- Also, participating dealers back their work with a free lifetime service guarantee. 而且,相关经销者提供了免费终身维修的保证,有力地支持了他们的工作。
- The experience is provided for the brigade hospital developing the hygienic service guarantee in new situation. 为新形势下旅医院开展卫勤保障工作提供经验。
- People want quality of service guarantees. 人们需要高质量的服务保证。
- The umpteen thousand PT Compact measurement amplifiers that have been proven in service guarantee the high degree of accuracy and signal quality. 无数的PT紧凑测量放大器已经在使用中得到检验,可以保证很高的精确度和信号质量。
- Providing service guarantee for a variety of media traffics has become an urgent issue for Next Generation Internet (NGI) to be solved. 为多种媒体业务提供服务保障已经成为下一代互联网迫切需要解决的问题。
- Your package that is addressed to a P.O. Box may be delayed, will not be covered by any UPS Service Guarantee and will require an address correction charge. 以邮箱为送货地址的包裹可能会被延迟,并且不会在任何UPS服务保证的范围之内,并将收取地址更正费用。
- Shantou entrepreneurs in honor of the guests, will choose Imperial Hotel in Shantou, as it is the most delicious food, gorgeous in both quality and service guarantee. 汕头大企业家款待宾客时,必选择汕头帝豪酒店,因为这是最富鲜美食品、华丽质优兼备及服务周到的保证。
- The total CS and seven factors CS such as network quality, operation propagantion, business store, consulation, business personnel, increment operation, service guarantee are different. 用户在总体满意度和“网络质量”、“业务宣传”、“营业网点”、“咨询投诉”、“营业人员”、“增值业务”、“服务保障”七因素上的满意度是不同的。
- DFS provides 100% worldwide services guarantee, making shopping at DFS an affordable and luxury experience. DFS环球免税店提供100%25环球服务保证,使客人拥有舒心豪华的购物体验。
- a service guarantee; a road service area. 保修;公路维修区
- A 10% service charge is added on to the bill. 帐单上包括了百分之十的服务费。
- Regular servicing guarantees the smooth operation of the engine. 定期维修可保持发动机的顺畅运转。
- The typewriter is at your service. 这台打字机随便你使用。
- What warranties will the customer be offered? Describe these or any other service guarantees. 顾客会得到何种担保条款?描述此或其他服务承诺.
- Proposes a solution that can support quality of service guarantees on digital video broadcasting (DVB). 研究在数字视频广播(DVB)平台上对用户数据流提供服务质量保证。
- Distributed multimedia applications need service guarantees, otherwise their acceptance does not come through as these systems. 在有些分布式多媒体应用系统中,必须使用资源管理来保证某些服务功能,否则多媒体系统将不能提供可靠连续媒体传输。
- A new bus line has been brought into service. 开辟了一条新的公共汽车线。
- Its slow service gave the restaurant a bad name. 这家餐馆因缺乏效率的服务搞得名声很坏。
- Prediction of Heavy Fog and Service Guarantee at Xianyang Airport 咸阳机场大雾预报及服务保障
- He filed for a civil service job. 他申请公务员的工作。