- server client interface 服务器客户机接口
- Shows hosts group table for a Remote Access client interface. 显示远程访问客户接口的主机组表。
- Will be responsible for client interface managing the project team. 负责和客户接洽及项目组的管理。
- Enables the client to specify a client interface for use. 允许客户端指定要使用的客户端接口。
- Using the Open Client interface, you can use an Adaptive Server Anywhere database in much the same way as you would an Adaptive Server Enterprise database. 通过Open Client接口,您可以基本上以使用Adaptive Server Enterprise数据库的相同方式使用Adaptive Server Anywhere数据库。
- Your Terminal Server client license number is currently being used by another user. 终端服务器客户许可证目前正在被另一个用户使用。
- Your Terminal Server client license number has not been entered for this copy of the Terminal Server client. 还没有为这份终端服务器客户输入您的终端服务器客户许可证号码。
- Sybase Open Client If you use the Sybase Open Client interface, your SQL statements appear in function calls. Sybase Open Client如果要使用Sybase Open Client接口,那么您的SQL语句以函数调用形式出现。
- This file describes how to build and use the stand alone OCSP and Lookup server client. 该文主要描述如何构建和使用独立OCSP和查找服务器客户端.
- ICatInformation client interface to get through in the category A register of all components CLSID. 客户程序通过ICatInformation接口来得到在该类别A中登记的所有组件的CLSID。
- The remote session was disconnected because the Terminal Server client access license stored on this computer has been modified. 由于这台计算机上储存的终端服务器客户端访问许可证已被修改,远程会话被中断。
- In a later step, the wscompile. Bat application will use this information to generate a SOAP 1.1 Client interface for this these services. 在后面的步骤中;wscompile.;bat应用程序将使用此信息为这些服务生成一个SOAP 1
- The remote session was disconnected because the Terminal Server client access license stored on this computer is in an invalid format. 由于这台计算机上储存的终端服务器客户端访问许可证的格式无效,远程会话被中断。
- This issue may be caused if an existing SQL Server client installation is configured with the "force encryption" option enabled. 如果现有的SQL Server客户端安装程序配置中启用了“强制加密”选项,则可能出现此问题。
- The remote file system is responsible for translating the non-native format into the correct form required for all File Server Client Side API calls. 负责将远程非原生格式转换成为所有文件服务器客户端API可调用的正确格式。
- Each Terminal Server client must be licensed with a valid Terminal Server license that is equivalent in version to the server being accessed. 每个终端服务器客户端都必须有一个有效的终端服务器许可证,其版本应该与正在访问的服务器的版本相同。
- The remote session was disconnected because there are no Terminal Server client access licenses available for this computer.Please contact the server administrator. 由于这台计算机没有终端服务器客户端访问许可证,远程会话被中断。请跟服务器管理员联系。
- Public IM Connectivity requires a per-user, per-month subscription license that is in addition to the Office Communications Server Client Access License (CAL). 除Office Communications Server客户端访问许可证(CAL)外,公共IM连接还需要每用户的每月订阅许可证。
- It would also mean a native client interface could be provided suitable for whatever the target-client game platform is, and reduce the memory and processing costs within the game code. 这也将意味着可能提供一种本地客户端接口,可适合于任何的目标客户的游戏平台,并降低游戏代码中的内存和处理花费。
- The Team Foundation source control client interfaces were designed to be familiar to Visual SourceSafe users. Team Foundation源代码管理客户端界面旨在使Visual SourceSafe用户所熟悉。