- I suppose they too thought you were writing a book which would serve their turn. 我想他们也真以为您在写一本符合他们利益的书。
- Children must be educated to serve their country when they grow up. 必须教育孩子长大后为国家服务。
- serve their turnvi. 合用(管用)
- Branch libraries serve their immediate locality. 分馆为它们的本地段服务。
- Then it was their turn to assess Bethune's work. 随后就轮到大家来鉴定白求恩的工作了。
- But they still serve their purpose. 但它们仍然用于这个目的。
- Good citizens serve their country . 好公民均为国尽力。
- Bon gre,mal gre,they had to wait their turn. 不管他们是否愿意,他们都得等着轮到他们。
- It was now their turn to give best. 这回轮到他们认输了。
- Bon gre, mal gre, they had to wait their turn. 不管他们是否愿意,他们都得等着轮到他们。
- These people can blow hot and clod to serve their purpose. 这些人为自己的目的可出尔反尔。
- Children must is educated to serve their country when they grow up. 必须教育孩子长大後为国家服务。
- In that country they will in their turn stir up the tusky Boar. 在那个国家上,它们会依次地轰动有獠牙的野猪。
- They waited for their turn to go through the entry formalities. 他们等着轮到他们办理入境手续。
- The bones, in their turn make your inner ears vibrate. 这些骨头义使你的内耳振动。
- The bones,in their turn make your inner ears vibrate. 这些骨头义使你的内耳振动。
- They giggled nervously as they waited for their turn. 他们排队等候时紧张地傻笑着。
- They pursue sourcing strategies that best serve their own business interest. 它们追求发包策略以更好的服务它们自己的商业利益。
- At length these denizens of the swamps disappeared in their turn. 到了后来,连这些沼泽国的居民们也不见了。
- Tourist attractions serve their purpose best when they are pseudo-events. 通过提供虚假事件,旅游景点获得了最大收益。