- He interrupted college to serve in the army. 他中断大学学业到军队去服役。
- He went to the front to serve in the army. 他到前线部队服役去了。
- Everyone has an obligation to serve in the army. 每个人都有服兵役的义务。
- Every able-bodied young man served in the army. 每个健壮的年轻人都在军队服役。
- Willy-nilly, every youth must serve in the army for three years. 每个年轻人,不管是否愿意,都得服三年兵役。
- Hel served in the army for three years. 他服了三年的兵役。
- His religious beliefs precluded him/his serving in the army. 他的宗教信仰不允许他服兵役。
- We know nothing about Reagan having served in the army. 有关里根在军队服役的事我们一无所知。
- Although forced to serve in the army, they could not become officers. 虽然被迫服兵役,但他们不能成为军官。
- The answer is no, because in ancient times no woman could serve in the army. 这也是人们普遍关注的问题之一。答案是没有。因为古代军队中没有女人。
- He tends to idealize his life in the army. 他总想使自己在军队里的生活理想化。
- Tom learned to drive jeeps and trucks when serving in the army. 他在部队服役时学会了开吉普车和卡车。
- My great uncle used to serve in the army and fight up and down the country. 姑姥爷是一名军人,年轻的时候南征北战。
- I learned to drive jeeps and trucks when I was serving in the army. 我是在部队服役时学会了开吉普车和卡车。
- All men between 18 and 45 without exception are expected to serve in the army during a war. 战时凡18岁至45岁的男子都应服兵役。
- In the army, the general takes rank of the colonel. 在军队里,将军较上校有优先权。
- All automobiles in the town were commandeered by the army. 城中所有的汽车均被部队征用了。
- I'm old enough to serve in the army, but my younger brother is still at school age. 我已到入伍服役的年龄了,但我弟弟还在就学的年龄。
- We are at liberty to serve in the army, as police constables, take part in politics or recover debt by legal coercion. 我们有参军,从警,参与政治或者通过法律途径追讨债务的自由。
- If needed, most youngsters are ready to serve in the army to defend their countries. 如果需要,大部分年轻人愿意参加军队服兵役以保家卫国。