- He drew a world map on a sphere. 他在球上面画了一幅世界地图。
- series world map 系列世界地图
- A world map was hung on the wall to the left. 左边墙上挂着一幅世界地图。
- You navigate between the World Map with a virtual PSP. 你通过一个虚拟的PSP探索世界地图。
- The earthquake centres had been plotted on a world map. 地震震中均被标示在一张世界地图上。
- Hunter: All Rogues will now show on their World Map. 猎人:所有的盗贼都会在他们的地图上显示出来。
- Perhaps, if he can get Chinese pop on the world map. 如果他能把华人音乐带进世界版图,答案,就是肯定的。
- Every time you pass a level, you will see a world map. 每次你过一关,你将看见一张世界地图。
- World Map - Locate cities on the map, view day / night status. 世界地图 -位于在地图上的城市, 视野日子 /夜晚状态。
- L["Selected databases are shown on both the World Map and Minimap. "] = "选择在世界地图 和 迷你地图上显示数据。"
- You encounter fewer enemies on the World Map if you walk instead of run. 如果玩家用走路来代替跑,那么在世界地图上可以遇到更少的敌人。
- You encounter more enemies in the forest than the plains on the World Map. 玩家在世界地图中移动,在森林中将比在草地上遇到更多的敌人。
- Our work station own two series world advanced straw frozen semen automatic production facilities, it can produces 4 million straw frozen semens per year. 我站拥有两套世界先进水平的细管冻精自动生产线,年生产冻精能力达到400万支。
- The mercator projection is one of the most used world map projection. 麦卡托投影是世界上最常用的投影之一。
- I looked at our world map and saw that we would be passing near Mount Everest soon. 我查看我们的世界地图,发现我们不久就要经过埃佛勒斯峰。
- World maps have always shown the Nansha Islands as part of China. 南沙群岛,历来世界地图是划到中国的,属中国
- But during the report, his eyes were staring at the world map on the wall all the time. 但在讲述过程中,杰克的眼睛一直盯着墙上的世界地图。
- Now label the world map with the names of he countries you and your classmates have visited or read about. 现在在世界地图上把你和你的同学游览过或读过的国家名称贴上。
- But in 1505, Rene II, the Duke of Lorraine ordered a group of scholars led by Waldseemuller to draft a new world map. 但在1505年,洛林公爵雷内二世下令让以瓦尔德塞米勒为首的一批学者绘制新的世界地图。