- serialized with same sequence 同序可串行化
- The inhibitory effect of partial phosphorothioate AS ODN (BCR-ABL AS ODN or C-MYB AS ODN) was as strong as complete phosphorothioat AS ODN with same sequence on CML cell. 部分硫代化的BCR-ABL AS ODN及C-MYB AS ODN对CML细胞的抑制作用与完全硫代化的同种AS ODN相当,而对正常造血细胞抑制作用较弱。
- Buy rivotril with same day delivery. 明道普霖斯顿部落格: Rivotril.
- Create the TEST database with same codepage, territory and collating sequence as production. 用与生产中相同的代码页、地区和排序序列创建TEST数据库。
- Local variable hides a field with same name in the class. 在类中本地变量覆盖了一个相同名字的域。
- Flip the camera to vertical, recompose. Shoot again. Same sequence, methodical. 把相机竖起来,重新构图,再拍,同样的场景,依次拍摄。
- Contact pressure increase by 1.5 - 5 with same stems and yokes. 即使采用相同的阀杆和轭架;接触压力也能够增加1.;5至5倍。
- Simple SWM linkage Both 120 and 135 can used with same parts. 简单的SWM联系两个120和135可以用相同的部分。
- Available with same day delivery service.Located in Petaling Jaya. 网站简介 : Flowers and gifts with free delivery zone.
- And u came back the third day with same desperate meowing. 在门外的走廊里撕心裂肺地呼叫。
- Maintenance actions run in the same sequence as they appear in the command prompt. 维护操作的运行顺序与其在命令提示中出现的顺序相同。
- Once reflux become steady, the reaction would proceed with same mechanism. 一旦回流平稳,反应即按相同的机理进行。
- For example, the following query will always return the same sequence of numbers. 例如,以下查询将始终返回相同的数字序列。
- This Agreement is made in two originals, each one holding one with same effect. 八、本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。
- This value (15 seconds) becomes the setting for button number 2 until it is reset in the same sequence. 这个阀门/数值(15秒)变成2号按钮的设置知道它被重制到同样的顺序。
- Causes the Runnable object r to have its run() method called later, serialized with the event stream, soon after completion of the repaint cycle. 让指定的线程对象首先暂停,让系统首先完成屏幕的显示,等屏幕显示完毕以后再使线程继续执行。
- All clips possessed with same width blade and clip force range from110g-200g. 两组分别选用自制动脉瘤夹和优质进口动脉瘤夹;夹闭力为110g-200g;叶片宽均为1.;2mm。
- Operators with same precedence is evaluated from ( left ) to ( right ). 若运算符先次序相同,则由(左)至(右)运算。
- Where the bankruptcy property is insufficient to pay off debts in the same sequence of liquidation, it shall be distributed proportionately. 破产财产不足以清偿同一顺序的清偿要求的,按照比例分配。
- This is specifically designed for applications in serial with the main, i.e.: capacitive divider, for example, energy meter, LED driver etc. 专门设计用于与电源串联的电容降压电路场合,如电表、LED模块等。