- Soon tired of the constraint of military life. 很快厌倦了军事生活的约束
- sequential constraint 时序约束
- Not in confinement or under constraint; free. 自由不受约束的或不受限制的; 自由的
- A period of sequential technological development and innovation. 阶段持续的技术发展和革新的一段时期
- She showed constraint in the presence of the strangers. 她在陌生人面前显得很拘束。
- Being without sequential order or coherent form. 不连贯的以不连续的顺序或不连贯的形式的
- At length these moments of constraint were removed. 这种尴尬的局面终于过去了。
- He felt constraint in her presence. 他在她面前显得局促不安。
- A sequential number used to ensure data uniqueness. 用于确保数据唯一性的连续编号。
- The boy felt constraint in her presence. 那男孩在她面前感到局促不安。
- I'm a sequential problem solver. 我能随机应变解决问题。
- Certificate path length constraint is invalid. 证书路径长度约束无效。
- T The lock is with respect to a sequential scan. T该锁是针对有序扫描的。
- Writes data to a sequential file. 将数据写入顺序文件。
- Writes display-formatted data to a sequential file. 将为显示而格式化的数据写入顺序文件。
- He shook his constraint from him nervously. 他神经质地晃了晃身子,摆脱了自己的狼狈心情。
- Function to write raw data to a sequential file. 函数将原始数据写入顺序文件。
- At last we could relax and talk without constraint. 我们终于可以放松下来,无拘无束地谈话了。
- Statement specifies a sequential file. 语句指定了一个顺序文件。
- Switch does not apply to constraint checking. 开关不适用于约束检查。