- sequential epitope(sequencedependent epitope) 顺序表位
- sequencedependent epitope 顺序表位
- And use the epitope to study SLE. 并将其应用与SLE研究。
- The epitope was analyzed within 34 HCV complete sequences in GenBank. 用T细胞增殖实验方法检测对这一表位的应答。
- The method based on expressed peptide for mapping epitope on viral prot... 实验表明,用基因工程表达的多肽筛选抗原表位的方法是可行的。
- These results suggested that A21 recognizes a conformational epitope mainly compassing ErbB2 subdomain I. 结果显示A21抗体主要识别ErbB2胞外区靠近N端I区的空间表位。
- The method based on expressed peptide for mapping epitope on viral protein was reliable and applicable. 实验表明,有基因工程表达的多肽筛选抗原表位的方法是可行的。
- Epitope based vaccine design is adopted and chemical method is used to synthesis target genes. 方法采用基于表位的疫苗设计方法,用化学合成的方法制备该种分子。
- Conclusion High level expression of epitope from HEV could be achieved by tandem repeats. 结论通过首位串联可以实现HEV线性表位较高效的表达。
- Results:The new gene encoding the antigen epitope of SARS-CoV S protein was designed and synthesized s... 结论:可以重新设计新基因产生新型候选重组疫苗。
- In the paper,the several efficient methods in research of B-cell epitope were summarized and discussed. 文章归纳总结了近年来用于B细胞抗原表位分析的几种常用方法。
- We suggested that HCMV-pp65 AA336-AA379 may contain pathogenic epitope to lupus prone animals. 我们推测在狼疮倾向的动物体内HCMV-pp65 AA336-AA379 可能为病原蛋白质之一。
- Objective:To analyze the efficiency of delivery for CD8+ T cell epitope by attenuated E. 目的:分析体外、体内重组减毒大肠杆菌运送真核表达的CD8+T细胞表位的效应。
- To study the common epitope between Lumbricus terrestris( Lt) and Schistosoma japonicum( Sj) by phage displayed technology. 目的采用噬菌体呈现技术,获得蚯蚓与血吸虫的共同表位。
- The aboe-mentioned CTL epitope prediction results exist certain deiation, due to difference of their database source of building matrix motifs and form of scoring function. 上述这些CTL表位预测程序,依据其建立矩阵的数据来源和打分函数形式的不同,预测结果也会有一定偏差。
- A monoclonal antibody binds to G-actin but not to F-actin. What does this tell you about the epitope recognized by the antibody? 一个单克隆抗体能与G-actin结合但不与F-actin结合,这告诉你这个抗体识别的半抗原的什么情况?
- The epitope of inhibin were probably at amino acid serial225-258 regarding its hydrophobicity, antigenicity and hydrophilicity etc. 综合亲水性、原性、水性等指标,第225-258个氨基酸序列可能包含抑制素的抗原表位。
- The protein DsbA-G1F/M2 induced significant RSV-specific CTL responses, while DsbA-G1 without CTL epitope did not induce detctable CTL responses. DsbA-G1F/M2诱导了显著的RSV特异性CTL杀伤活性,而无CTL表位的DsbA-G1则不能诱导产生CTL反应;
- Conclusion: DsbA-G1F/M2, the fusion protein of a CTL epitope and G protein fragment G1 can induce both cellular immunity and humoral immunity. 二者均诱导了高滴度的中和抗体,但与DsbA-G1相比,DsbA-G1F/M2所诱导的中和抗体滴度有所减弱。
- Conclusions The method of synthetic pe ptides plus anti-CD28 antibody was feasible for locating T cell epitope s on superantigens. 结论超抗原合成肽结合CD28抗体的方法对寻找超抗原T细胞识别表位是切实可行的。