- Escherichia coli septic arthritis is rare and usually occurs in patients with underlying systemic disorders. 大肠杆菌感染细菌性关节炎是极少见的疾病,但常见于有系统性疾病的病人。
- Objective To investigate the procedure and effect on treating septic arthritis of temporomandibular joint (TMJ). 摘要目的探讨化脓性颞下颌关节炎的治疗方法及其疗效。
- Methods A self-made special drainagetube guided by the metal needle was in use for the drainage in 28 cases of acute septic arthritis. 方法自制金属导针置管引流治疗急性化脓性关节炎28例,其中膝关节20例,踝关节8例。
- We report a 37-year-old man, an intravenous drug abuser, who underwent open irrigation and debridement for septic arthritis of the right hip joint. 在国外文献中,只有少于10个静脉内注射药物者,并发细菌性髋关节炎的报告;在国内文献中则完全没有报告。
- Atypical mycobacteria can cause a wide variety of infections such as abscesses, septic arthritis, and osteomyelitis (bone infection). 什么是'非典型分枝杆菌感染-感染非结核分枝杆菌'?
- ResultsIn 21 patients,misdiagnosed as septic arthritis was 10 cases,tuberculosis arthritis was five cases,ankylosing spondylitis was three cases,rheumatic fever was three cases. 结果21例患者中,误诊为化脓性关节炎10例,结核性关节炎5例,强直性脊柱炎3例,风湿热3例。
- Thereafter, he was admitted to the hospital seven more times due to septic arthritis, and underwent debridement, sequestrectomy and right above-knee amputation. 之后,病人陆续因两膝败血性关节炎前后住了七次院,并接受扩创术、工关节取出术、骨切除术、生素置入术、右膝上截肢术等。
- Septic arthritis is usually seen in children as an acute febrile illness induced by septicemia, local inoculation of a joint caused by trauma or adjacent osteomyelitis. 摘要细菌性关节炎通常发生在年幼的病人身上,通常以一种发烧的症状来表现。它可以由败血症,关节局部侵入或周遭骨髓炎所引起。
- Septic arthritis is usually of hematogenous origin and is increasingly being reported in elderly patients, who often have underlying medical conditions such as diabetes or rheumatoid arthritis. 感染性关节炎通常是血行性传染引起且好发于年纪大的病患,尤其是有合并内科疾病者,例如糖尿病、风湿性关节炎。
- Research Advance on Septic Arthritis of Temporomandibular Joint 颞下颌关节化脓性关节炎研究进展
- A Clinical Study on Septic Arthritis of Temporomandibular Joint: Treatment 化脓性颞下颌关节炎的治疗
- Callus Lengthening for Phocomelia after Septic Arthritis of the Hip at Infancy 骨痂延长术治疗婴幼儿期化脓性髋关节炎后遗短肢畸形
- Draining with special drainagetube guided by the metal needle in the treatment of acute septic arthritis 金属导针置管引流治疗急性化脓性关节炎
- Dynamic changes of intra-articular pressure of acute septic arthritis of the hip and its clinical significance 急性化脓性髋关节炎关节内压的动态变化及其临床意义
- Sensitivity of the Objective Paramaters in the Diagnosis of Pediatric Septic Arthritis of Hips 客观参数在儿童化脓性髋关节炎诊断中的敏感性
- The treatment and prevention of pathological dislocation of the hip following septic arthritis in the newborns 新生儿急性化脓性髋关节炎后遗病理性脱位的治疗与预防
- He suffers from arthritis in his leg joints. 他的腿有关节炎。
- A Clinical Study on Septic Arthritis of Temporomandibular Joint: Characteristics and Diagnosis 化脓性颞下颌关节炎的特征与诊断
- A Clinical Study on Septic Arthritis of Temporomandibular Joint: Culture and Identification of Pathogenic Bacteria 化脓性颞下颌关节炎病原菌的分离培养和鉴定