- It instigates one to all sorts of sensual desires. 它教唆我们倾向于各种欲望。
- V. What is the conditioned origin of sensual desires? 让我说一个恶魔如何诳惑佛陀的故事吧!听完之后,请想一想什么是欲望生起的条件吧!
- There is no satisfying sensual desires, even with the rain of gold coins. 即使天降金币雨,欲念也不会满足。
- Arising from or contributing to the satisfaction of sensuous or sensual desires. 激起性欲的,性感的由色欲或肉欲而来的,有助于满足色欲或肉欲的
- As for younger widows, do not put them on such a list. For when their sensual desires overcome their dedication to Christ, they want to marry. 至于年轻的寡妇、就可以辞他.因为他们的情欲发动、违背基督的时候、就想要嫁人。
- Let me tell a story of how Mara tried to confound the Buddha. After you hear the story, please figure out what the conditioned origin of sensual desires might be. 让我说一个恶魔如何诳惑佛陀的故事吧!听完之后,请想一想什么是欲望生起的条件吧!
- The secret of defeating Mara is to understand sensual desires, the conditioned origin of sensual desires, their outcome, their cessation and the way leading to their cessation. 打败恶魔的秘诀就是知道欲望,以及欲望生起的条件。
- For example, a melody, sweet to the ear, bringeth the very spirit of life to a heart in love with God, yet staineth with lust a soul engrossed in sensual desires. 譬如,一段悦耳的旋律,会给爱上帝者的心灵注入生气,而对惟物欲是求者,它只会使其沉湎声色之娱。
- What is sensual desire? There are five cords of sensual pleasure. What five? 什么是欲望呢?有五种牵动欲望的绳索,那五种呢?
- But that determination by which righteness, sensual desire and wealth are motivated by attachment to fruitive desires, O Arjuna, is in the nature of passion. 但是,阿诸那啊,由于依附于利益欲望而激发起对宗教,感官欲望和财富的追求,这样的决心就是处于欲望情感的品性中。
- In this sutta, sensual desire is personified as Mara. Yet, in real life, Mara is the defilement underlying the tendency to sensual desire. 在经典里,欲望以人格化的恶魔而呈现,然而,在现实生活里,恶魔是潜在的欲望。
- Verse 147 Look at this dressed up body, a mass of sores, supported by bones, sickly, a subject of many thoughts of sensual desire. 147看这被装饰的身体,它是一堆的疮痍,由骨头所支持,多病与拥有许多欲念。
- Sensual desire has been abandoned, ill will has been abandoned, sloth and torpor have been abandoned;restlessness and remorse have been abandoned;doubt has been abandoned. 1.;巳经去除感官欲望(贪欲),2
- IV. What is sensual desire? 四、什么是欲望?
- These desires gnawed away at us constantly. 这些欲望不断地折磨我们。
- Such desires can have no place in a good heart. 心地善良的人不会有这样的欲望。
- Physical or sensual gratification. 物质享受物质或性的满足
- She desires his young, strong body. 他年轻强壮的身体使她春心荡漾。
- She desires you to come/that you come at once. 她希望你立即来。
- Sensual gratification or indulgence. (感官的)享乐感官的满足或沉溺