- sensitivity adjustment screw 灵敏度调节螺丝
- J. Vertical Shaft Fine Adjustment Screw. 垂直杆微调螺丝.
- Digital potentiometer sensitivity adjustment and breakage location. 数字电位器调节灵敏度及断针位置显示。
- Tighten adjustment screw to 3 N·m (30 in-lbs) torque. 拧紧调整螺丝到3 N·m (30 in-lbs)扭力。
- Loosen the adjustment screw, and adjust the length of the link rod. 请拧松调整螺丝,拔出或插入连接杆进行调整。
- Firmly screw can on adapter, and turn the flow adjustment screw. 将料罐倒置与喷枪连接,旋转打开流量阀,调节流量。
- The problem was partially corrected by further sensitivity adjustment. 经由调整心律调节器之感应敏感度,患者症状因而得到改善。
- Remove adjuster lever, adjuster screw and spring. 拆卸调整器杆,调整器螺丝和弹簧。
- The high step moves from under the adjusting screw. 使高点从调节螺钉下移动。
- The adjusting screw rests on the high step of the cam. 调节螺钉落在凸轮高点上。
- Presser foot adjustment screw graved with graduation makes digital pressure control easy and precise. 压脚调节螺栓上刻有刻度,数字化调节更易控制压脚压力,因此,压脚压力可轻松而准确的重设。
- Keeping well away from the propeller, adjust the engine to maximum rpm with the mixture adjustment screw marked with an "H". 跟螺旋桨保持距离;推油门全开.;转进标记"H"螺丝求取最高转速。
- To Readjust- Loosen lock nut on the adjusting screw. 重新调节:松开调节螺丝上的锁定螺母。
- Lubricate adjuster screw threads and pivot with spray lube. 使用喷雾润滑油润滑调整器螺丝螺纹和枢轴。
- Adjustment of parallelity, adjust screw (6), you can set the parallelity between printing squeegee and ink-collecting squeegee. 平行度调整:调节螺丝(6),可调整刮墨刀、回油刀与丝网的平行度。
- In this paper, the sensitivity adjustable woof-detecting module circuit and high-low voltage driving circuit is described in large details. 重点介绍了灵敏度可调的纬纱检测模块的设计电路和采用高低压驱动的选纬指控制模组的设计电路。
- To Readjust - Loosen lock nut on the adjusting screw. 重新调节:松开调节螺丝上的锁定螺母。
- Remove compression from spring by turning adjusting screw (1) counterclockwise. 通过反时针方向旋转调节螺丝(1)从弹簧上拆卸压缩件。
- Tie-Rod of Marble Gang Saw with hydraulic driven is for connecting hydraulic tensioner and saw blade. It composes of Rear Tie-Rod, adjust screw and wedge. 大理石框架锯液压锯夹用于连接液压涨紧器和锯条,它由前后锯夹,蝴蝶板、插板和调整螺杆组成。
- Heavy duty adjusting screw. Adjusting screw is both slotted and knurled. 重型调节螺丝。调节螺丝既有槽也有花纹边。