- Light. Since the eye is not equally sensitive to all colors, brightness cannot be a quantitative term. 一种视觉感知属性,光源可以调亮或调暗。由于眼睛对所有的颜色并不具有同样的敏感度,因此亮度。
- Of or relating to a film, plate, or emulsion that is sensitive to all colors except red and renders red as dark gray and blue and green as light gray. 正色底片属于或关于对除了红色外所有颜色敏感并能将红色变成深灰色、蓝色和绿色变成浅灰色的胶片、胶盘或感光乳胶的
- Of or relating to a film,plate,or emulsion that is sensitive to all colors except red and renders red as dark gray and blue and green as light gray. 正色底片属于或关于对除了红色外所有颜色敏感并能将红色变成深灰色、蓝色和绿色变成浅灰色的胶片、胶盘或感光乳胶的。
- Candida albicans was sensitive to all tested drugs. 念珠菌属药敏结果全部敏感。
- I am sensitive to all the antibiotics, doctor. 医生,我对大部分抗生素过敏。
- Panchromatic film (Pan film): Photographic materials having an emulsion which is sensitive to all visible spectral colors. 全色菲林:能感应光谱上所有可见光的颜色的照相材料。
- The key to all these technologies is that they are very sensitive to distance. 这些技术的关键是它们对距离非常敏感。
- sensitive to all colors. 对所有色彩具有感光性。
- Even the best diet will not prove suitable to all dogs, some of whom might be sensitive to one or more ingredients. 最佳的饮食不会证明适当对所有狗,一些谁也许是敏感的对一个或更多成份。
- China Customs is sensitive to all wooden products imported from U.S./Japan/Korea/EU. 中国海关对美/日/韩/欧盟进口来的木质品比较敏感。
- People of all colors and creeds have come here to celebrate the holiday. 各种肤色和各种宗教信仰的人聚集在这里欢度节日。
- Ear and tow yin are windows of kidney . Ear is sensitive to all sound , and tow yin are well-balanced in excretion. 在肾开窍于耳和两阴的作用下;耳朵灵敏;能辨别各种声音;两阴排泄正常.
- The bandits subject us to all sort of indignity. 强盗们对我们加以各种侮辱。
- This tooth is sensitive to cold. 这颗牙对冷过敏。
- He is too sensitive to criticism. 他对批评太敏感。
- A careless driver is a menace to all road users. 漫不经心的驾驶员对于路上所有车辆和行人都是危险的。
- The ADL scale was sensitive to all patients at the 28th day and the patients with light stage of stroke after 3-month follow-up. ADL评分在第28天对所有病人及随访3个月后的轻度病人敏感。
- Photographic paper is highly sensitive to light. 感光纸对光十分敏感。
- Donna is sensitive to strong smells. 唐娜对强烈的气味很敏感。
- It is clear to all of us that two plus two is four. 二加二等于四对我们大家都很清楚。