- Liu had no sense of propriety because he was just in the peak of power. 但刘少奇没有领会他这番讲话的真实意图,还是我行我素,因为处于权力巅峰而锋芒毕露,不知收敛。
- His sense of power and entitlement grew as he became more repressive. 随着压抑感的加深,他对权力的欲望也不断增强。
- They have come into possession of a sense of power hitherto undreamed of. 他们不再怯懦、软弱、犹豫、恐惧。他们与全能者紧密相连。
- Over and above all that had happened, impalpable but real, there remained to him a queer sense of power. 超越已发生的一切之上,虽不可捉摸却很真实,是一种流连在他心头的奇特的权力感。
- Their sense of power grew, their imagination increased, and their ambition enlarged. 俩人的权力感扩张,想象力加强,野心膨胀。
- In a little while we lost our sense of direction. 一会儿我们就辨不清方向了。
- The term "control" being used in the sense of power to elect or appoint a majority of directors or to direct the management of a company. “控制”这一用语的含义指拥有选举或委派董事会多数董事或指示公司管理部门的权力。
- The media have a lot of power today. 现在大众传播媒介有很大的力量。
- A sense of futility stole over her. 一种没用的感觉向她袭来。
- It's nothing personal, Sims. I'm firing you because it gives me an exalted sense of power over a defenseless human being. 解雇你不是我的个人意思,不过解雇人能给我一种临架于那些无助的被解雇者之上的兴奋感觉。
- The danger recalled him to a sense of duty. 这危险的事唤起了他的责任感。
- Be guided by your sense of what is right and just. 做事要有是非观念和正义感。
- Sceptres are carried by kings as a sign of power. 国王所持的权杖是权力的象征。
- Because of misuse of power, he was dismissed. 因为滥用权力,他被开除了。
- These dogs have a marvelous sense of smell. 这些狗有非常敏锐的嗅觉。
- Special interests and bases of power of individuals and groups should be plotted along with a sense of what motivates them to dig in or compromise. 另外,对特殊利益团体、个人与小集团权力的基础也要进行深入分析,研究他们认真工作或妥协让步的动机。
- He has a whimsical sense of humor. 他有着离奇的幽默感。
- A unit of power equal to 1,000 watts. 千瓦功率的单位,等于1,000瓦。
- She had a lively sense of humor. 她幽默感很强。
- The blind have a keen sense of touch. 盲人有敏锐的触觉。