- He refused to accept help out of a false sense of pride. 他由於死要面子而不肯接受帮助。
- He fell in at the end of a line. 他排在队伍的末尾。
- You may extend the sense of a word . 你可以扩大一个词的涵义。
- We attended the party more out of a sense of obligation than anything else. 我们参加那个聚会是迫於人情,而并无别的原因。
- Move to the beginning of a line. 移到行的开头。
- You may extend the sense of a word. 你可以扩大一个词的涵义。
- Do not use comments at the end of a line of code. 不要在代码行的结尾处使用注释。
- The extremities of a line are points. 线的极端是点。
- Anchors the match string to the end of a line. 将匹配字符串锚定到行尾。
- If only I had enough of a sense of humour. 要是有一点儿幽默感就好了。
- He did his work out of a sense of duty. 他出于责任感而工作。
- Word break: splitting of a word at a line ending. 分字:英文字在一行结尾时;需要分割开的情况.
- He is conscious of a sense of guilt. 他感觉到很内疚。
- An originator of a line of descent;a precursor. 前辈家族血脉的开始者;先驱
- An originator of a line of descent; a precursor. 前辈家族血脉的开始者;先驱。
- I do it purely out of a sense of duty. 那并不是我喜欢做的事,我纯粹是出于责任感才做的。
- There is also the lack of a sense of permanency. 另外,稳定感也是缺乏的。
- He is conscious of a sense of quilt. 他感到内疚。
- Either of two points marking the end of a line segment. 端点标记一条线段两端的两点中的任何一点
- An attempt by the computer or by a station to gain control of a line in order to transmit data. 计算机或某个工作站为获得线路控制权以进行数据传输的一种企图。参阅BID。