- The newspapers played up sensational social news. 各报大肆渲染耸人听闻的社会新闻。
- I can predict something with great accuracy. 我能很准确地预测某事。
- We all believed in her prediction. 我们都相信她的预言。
- The prediction was literally accomplished. 这个预言确实实现了。
- Recent discoveries will bear his prediction out. 近来的种种发现将会证实他的预言。
- sensational prediction 知觉的预测
- Some reporters like to play up sensational social news. 有些记者喜欢渲染耸人听闻的社会新闻。
- What a sensational story! It has all the elements of a soap opera. 多麽耸人听闻的事! 具备连续剧的一切要素。
- You can never predict what would happen next. 谁也无法预料接着会发生什么事。
- Let them know their performance was sensational! 让他们知道他们的表现引起了轰动。
- To advertise by sensational methods. 大吹大擂用耸人听闻的方法做广告
- This time Josef's news had been sensational. 这次约瑟夫的消息是惊人的。
- It is difficult to predict his reaction because he is so moody. 他如此喜怒无常,所以很难预知其反应如何。
- The outcome of the election was correspondent with my prediction. 选举结果与我的预计一致。
- Decked out in old-fashioned white gowns, they still look sensational. [即使]穿上旧式的白色长袍,她们看起来仍然不同凡响。
- The election was a dead heat. Nobody could predict the outcome. 那场选举竞争剧烈,没有人能预测结果。
- Sensational or clamorous advertising. 夸大广告耸人听闻的或大肆宣传的广告
- Jo developed into a writer of sensational stories. 乔发展成为专写耸人听闻的故事的作家。
- The zodiac is used in astrology to predict the future. 十二宫图用于占星术中预测未来。
- Do you take seriously his prediction of a government defeat? 他预计政府要受挫折,你认为这话靠得住吗?