- I should demote you from senior minister to elder. 我要把你从高级牧师降级为长老。
- Finally, some abdicates senior minister said that he has the means. 最后,有一位退位的老大臣说他有办法。
- Senior Minister, Mr Goh Chok Tong graced the dinner as Guest-of-Honour. 我国国务资政吴作栋先生在夫人陈子玲(南艺理事会成员)的陪同下,以主宾身份出席了晚宴。
- I do not see anything wrong with Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew publishing his memoirs. 对于李光耀资政出版的回忆录,我也深感没什么不对。
- After having read the Senior Minister's memoirs, From Third World To First, many thoughts came surging into my mind. 读完了李光耀内阁资政回忆录下册后,使我思潮起伏。
- After having read the Senior Minister's memoirs,From Third World To First,many thoughts came surging into my mind. 读完了李光耀内阁资政回忆录下册后,使我思潮起伏。
- Meanwhile,Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew visited Nee Soon East to perform a "surgery" for the single-member constituency. 与此同时,李资政亲身出马,到义顺东替这个单选区做了一场“手术”。
- On a recent visit to Singapore,I called the office of Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew who was then in America. 最近到新加坡时,我打电话到李光耀的办公室。他当时身在美国。
- On a recent visit to Singapore, I called the office of Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew who was then in America. 最近到新加坡时,我打电话到李光耀的办公室,他当时身在美国。
- Premier Wen Jiabao and Singapore Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong attended the 28 eco-city ceremony. 温家宝总理和新加坡国务资政吴作栋共同出席了28日的生态城开工仪式。
- He was granted amnesty only to be sued later in 2008 by a senior minister for defamation. 他获得赦免,只在2008年后期被一名资深部长以诽谤罪名起诉。
- Hazel Blears was the second senior minister in the space of 24 hours to announce she was leaving. 黑兹尔.;布利尔斯是第二个在短短的24小时内宣布辞职的人。
- As pointed out by Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew as early as 1989,well-trained and talented people are sought after by all countries. 正如李光耀资政1989年就指出,受过训练和有才华的专才是各国争取的目标。
- As pointed out by Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew in 1989,well-trained and talented professionals are sought after by all countries. 正如李光耀资政1989年就指出,受过训练和有才华的专才是各国争取的目标。
- In a speech delivered at the 21st Century Forum in Beijing in 1996, Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew said: "In a world of nuclear deterrence, the usefulness of force is limited. 内阁资政李光耀1996年在北京为《21世纪论坛》发表演讲时说,“在这个充满核威慑力量的世界里,武力的用途是有限的。
- After Mr Zhu's appointment as China's premier, Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew described him as a respectable person though not necessarily a person liked by all. 在朱镕基当选中国总理之后,李光耀资政曾经评论说,朱镕基也许不是所有人都喜欢的人,但却是令人尊敬的人。
- As pointed out by Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew as early as1989, well-trained and talented people are sought after by all countries. 正如李光耀资政1989年就指出,受过训练和有才华的专才是各国争取的目标。
- As pointed out by Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew in 1989, well-trained and talented professionals are sought after by all countries. 正如李光耀资政1989年就指出,受过训练和有才华的专才是各国争取的目标。
- Meanwhile, Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew visited Nee Soon East to perform a“ surgery” for the single-member constituency. 与此同时,李资政亲身出马,到义顺东替这个单选区做了一场“手术”。
- As pointed out by Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew as early as 1989, well-trained and talented people are sought after by all countries. 正如李光耀资政1989年就指出,受过训练和有才华的专才是各国争取的目标。