- She's been promoted to senior editor. 她被提升为高级编辑。
- A senior editor stood up and proposed a toast. 一位高级编辑起身祝酒
- It was translated by CENS senior editor Earl Wieman. 我们期待陈总统及游内阁展现最大的魄力,尽速促成金监会的设置,为我国金融监理制度,奠定长治久安的基础。
- R. G. W. Pye, “Injection mould design”, Senior Editor, (1980). 张荣语,“射出成型模具设计”,高立图书有限公司,(1995)。
- Jacob Heilbrunn is a senior editor at The National Interest. 您的参与将有助于译者提高译文的质量;
- The wonderful speech of the senior editor won the audience's thunderous applause. 那位资深老编辑的精彩演讲赢得了观众们的热烈掌声。
- "The searches would spike every time she was back in the news," Vera Chan, senior editor at Yahoo! said. 雅虎的高级编辑Vera Chan说:“只要她一上新闻,搜索量就会猛增。”
- Dan Vardie, senior editor at Romania's Automedia publishing group, says his countrymen may be price-sensitive, but are also brand-conscious. 因此,哈弗甚至可能对收入远远超过270欧元平均月薪的罗马尼亚人也具有吸引力。
- A senior editor for PC World Magazine was fatally shot Tuesday evening in his California home in a drug-related attack, authorities said Wednesday. 电脑世界杂志资深编辑被开枪周二晚在他位于加利福尼亚州的一个毒品相关的攻击,当局说周三。
- Gregg Easterbrook is a senior editor of The New Republic Magazine and writes frequently about politics and the environment. 是新共和杂志的资深编辑,他经常写关于政治和环境的文章。
- "The biggest stars in Hollywood are not the actors that deliver the biggest returns," Forbes senior editor Michael Ozanian said in a statement Monday. "最大牌的明星,在好莱坞并不认为演员带来最大的回报,"福布斯资深编辑迈克尔奥扎尼安说:在一份声明中星期一。
- Gregg Easterbrook is a senior editor of The New Republic Mag a zine and writes frequently about politics and the environment. “我们在过去几年以一种相当不同的方式看待这整件事。而事实上,在华盛顿,并没有关于气候升温的争论。现在必须讨论我们应该怎么做了。”
- "Vegas is a tremendous value right now," says Genevieve Shaw Brown, senior editor at Travelocity."This is one of the best times in years to visit. 据介绍,从1963年中国政府派出第一支援外医疗队至今,中非医疗卫生合作走过不平凡的历程,现已形成包括双边卫 ...
- Editorial decisions are generally made by senior editors. 编辑方面的决定通常由高级编辑做出。
- A senior editor at the Financial Times presents a biography of Britain's Prime Minister that's engaging and slickly presented but ultimately lacking in depth. 美国为什么会迅速地成为独一无二的超级大国而登上世界霸主的位子?美国又靠什么得心应手地来玩弄世界经济?
- Jonathan Kaufman, the Senior Editor of the Wall Street Journal and a former Beijing Bureau Chief, expects a housing crisis will soon hit China, ABC reported. “我认为,现在中国(房地产市场)存在很大的泡沫成份,几乎可以肯定将遭遇美国所面临的情形。”
- I refrained from telling my senior editor that I had almost arranged an interview with L.Ron Hubbard as I knew I would have been summarily fired right then and there. 我不敢跟资深编辑说起,我几乎就能访问L.;罗恩贺伯特这件事,因为我晓得我会被立即开除的。
- Those trends are creating great business opportunities for property developers," said Russell Flannery, Forbes senior editor and compiler of the China Rich List. 这些趋势为中国的房地产开发商创造了极大的商机。”
- About 60,000 people responded to the online survey -- at www.travelandleisure.com -- which ranked 25 cities in categories including shopping, food, culture, and cityscape, said Amy Farley, senior editor at the magazine. 据《旅游与休闲》杂志高级编辑艾米?法尔利介绍,该项在线调查(www.;travelandleisure
- Chinese Panamanians have reaped rich fruits in the political arena. The picture shows senior editor Laura Li interviewing Javier E. Yap Siu, special assistant to the president of Panama. 巴拿马华裔勇闯政坛,成果丰硕。图为本刊资深编辑李光真专访总统特别助理叶思良。