- This infuriated senior debt holders, who felt the seizure deprived them of the chance to recover some of their money through a public liquidation. 这激怒了许多优先债务的债主。这些人认为政府接管剥夺了他们从公开变卖中减少损失的权利。
- C3 provides the layer of a company's capital structure between senior debt and common equity, often referred to as "mezzanine" capital. C3资本提供的资金在公司的资本结构之间的高级债务和普通股权益,通常被称为"次级贷款"资本。
- Senior debt earns high priority if lenders have to reclaim funds, hence the bond issue terms can be less onerous for the borrower. 如果贷款人必须收回资金,优先债务享有最优先的求偿权,则对借款人而言,该债券发行条件可能会负担较轻。
- For example, whether you owned $5bn or $50bn of (supposedly) low-risk super senior debt in a CDO, the likelihood of losses was, proportionally, the same. 例如,无论你持有50亿美元还是500亿美元理应为低风险的超级高级CDO债券,按比例计算,发生亏损的可能性是一样的。
- But the senior debt holders may decide that they will fare better if Chrysler files for bankruptcy and they can make a grab for whatever sellable assets are left. 但是,对优先债务持有者而言,他们也许会支持克莱斯勒申请破产,这样他们会好过一些,因为这样就能够攫取公司任何剩下的可售资产。
- On a global scale, the vast syndicated-loan market, including leveraged finance and more senior debt, is also growing more swiftly than public bond and share markets. 在全球范围内,包括杠杆融资和更高级的债务的巨大的辛迪加贷款市场,也在比公众债券和股票市场的发展显得更为迅速。
- Support for Norsk Hydro from senior debt holders -- so far silent -- isn't to be taken for granted, given that they have less to lose than the PIK note holders. 优先债券持有人目前还保持沉默,鉴于他们的损失要少于实物支付债券所有者,因此不能想当然地认为他们一定会支持海德鲁。
- True, the two deals are miles apart structurally: while Anglo's is a senior debt instrument, with a five-year maturity, Rio's is subordinated, with an equity-like 60 years. 诚然,这两笔交易在结构上存在巨大差异:英美资源的可转债是一种优先债务工具,5年到期;力拓的则是次级工具,属于股权式可转债,60年到期。
- Ideally banks’ balance-sheets would have another type of capital which could top up the buffer without spooking depositors or the owners of senior debt and senior subordinated debt. 理想的情况是,银行的资产负债表上有另一种形式的资本能够增加缓冲,而不会让存款人或高级债、高级次级债持有人担忧。
- Until Norsk Hydro's expression of interest, the only offer on the table was a management-led buyout that would have left senior debt holders recovering around 20 cents on the dollar. 在海德鲁表现出兴趣前,唯一的要约就是管理层收购方向优先债券持有人提出的相当于票面价值20%25的报价。
- The instrument is a form of senior debt that is paid back from the issuer's cash flows but is also secured against a ring-fenced pool of assets, such as mortgage loans, in the event of default. 这种证券是优先债务形式的一种,发行者需要用自己的现金流来偿还,并且要有一定隔离的资产池作为保障,比如说抵押贷款,以免发生不能履行责任的情况。
- Senior debt, loan Debt for which claims on the assets of the borrower rank ahead of other debts in case of liquidation. 优先债务,优先贷款清算时,资产求索权优先于其他债务的债务。
- Senior Debt levels and structures 优先债务级别与结构
- Wasteful people usually end up in debt. 挥霍浪费者最后往往负债。
- She is unfit for such a senior position. 她不胜任这种高级职务。
- Huggins made satisfaction for his debt. 哈金斯还清了他的欠债。
- It is all he can to keep out of debt. 他仅可凭此而免于负债。
- She was unfit for such a senior position. 她不能胜任这样的高级职位。
- I took her to court for repayment of the debt. 我为索取债务而起诉她。
- You can take your time to pay the debt you owe me. 你欠我的债可以慢慢还。