- He was sent up the river for a bank robbery. 他因抢劫银行而被捕入狱。
- He was sent up the river for armed robbery. 他因持枪抢劫被关进监狱。
- The boat was going up the river. 船正在河上逆流而上。
- We have banked up the river to prevent flooding. 我们已沿河筑堤以防河水泛滥。
- The sand has silted up the mouth of the river. 泥沙已把河口堵住了。
- When are they going to send up the rocket? 他们准备什么时候发射火箭?
- One path leads down to the river, the other leads up the hill. 一条小路通往河边,另一条通往山上。
- We went twenty kilometers inland, up the river. 我们沿着河流走了20公里。
- They travelled up the river valley. 他们向河流上游地区行进。
- They banked up the river to prevent flood. 他们筑河堤防止水灾。
- They ghosted up the smooth waters of the river. 他们悄悄地航行在平静的河水上。
- The sand has silted up the mouth of the river . 泥沙充塞了河口。
- We went twenty kilometers inland,up the river. 我们沿着河向上游走了20公里。
- A rise in temperature will send up the pressure inside the casing. 温度的升高会使盒内的压力加大。
- Sand has silted up the river delta. 泥沙把这条河的三角洲淤塞了。
- Make a small wish and send up the fine wish, let us pray for you! 许下小小心愿、送上美好的祝福,让我们为你祈祷吧!
- It was bold of her to row up the river. 她很大胆敢向上游划船。
- The students like to send up the teacher's manner of walking. 学生喜欢模仿老师走路的样子。
- We started swimming up the river. 我们开始在河里逆流而游。
- You're going to clean up the river? 你要清理那条河?