- seminiferous lobula 精小叶
- Spermaries comprise many seminiferous tubules. 精巢由许多精小管组成;
- Hung, Y.S., Yang, E.C. (2006) Intensity-dependence of the color opponent cells in the lobula of honeybee, Apis mellifera. 台湾昆虫学会九十五年(第二十七届)年会:洪于善、 杨恩诚 (2006) 蜜蜂视叶颜色拮抗神经的光强度依变。
- The sperm originate in gonial cells (spermatogonia) in the walls of seminiferous tubules. 精子产生于输精管壁的性母细胞(精原细胞)。
- Longitudinal section of a testicle showing the seminiferous tubules and the convoluted epididymis. 睾丸纵切面,示生精小管和迂回蟠曲的附睾。
- From days 14 to 35, Tyro 3 appeared on Sertoli cell processes toward adluminal compartment of seminiferous tubules. 在生后2到5周,Tyro 3主要定位在Sertoli细胞近腔室包绕生殖细胞的突起上;
- Artery has spermary artery, seminiferous duct artery and artery of the flesh that carry Gao. 动脉有睾丸动脉、输精管动脉及提睾肌动脉。
- The development of the male germ cells in different seminiferous tubules was different. 不同精小管内生殖细胞的发育是不同步的。
- Conclusions In interstitial tissue tissue encircled of the individual seminiferous tubules and have spaces. 淋巴管存在于纵隔内,小叶内未见典型淋巴管。
- Seminiferous duct is spermatozoon is carried from epididymis the exclusive access with prostate urethral ministry. 输精管是精子从附睾被输送到前列腺部尿道的唯一通路。
- Vasoligation: Cut off the seminiferous duct that carries conduit as spermatozoon, prevented undoubtedly be pregnant. 输精管结扎术:截断作为精子运输管道的输精管,无疑就阻止了怀孕。
- Ejaculation canal is the continuance after abdomen of seminiferous duct crock and spermatic canal are confluent. 射精管是输精管壶腹与精囊管汇合之后的延续。
- Spermatic: Control each one, be located in by bladder rear, the side outside seminiferous duct endmost, before rectum. 精囊:左右各一,位于膀胱底后方,输精管末端的外侧,直肠之前。
- Inside these tubes (called seminiferous tubules) the process of sperm production (called spermatogenesis) takes place. 在这些管道(称为生精小管)里,是精子产生(称为精子发生)的场所。
- When FSH value was 2 times larger than the upper limit of normal value,the seminiferous tub... 同时患者性欲下降,出现高促性腺激素性性腺功能低下症。
- After many people worry about clipping seminiferous duct, whether to shoot without seminal fluid a lot of less perhaps? 不少人担心剪断输精管后,是否就没有精液射出来了或者少很多?
- When need is pregnant, can go seminiferous duct anastomosis, answer rate is OK achieve 90% above. 当需要怀孕时,可以行输精管吻合术,复通率可以达到90%25以上。
- LEYDIG CELLS: Androgen (testosterone) producing cells lying outside the seminiferous tubules within the testes. 位于睾丸中曲细精管的外部,分泌雄性激素。
- The testis at deteriorated phase reduces in volume, and is translucent, and the mature sperms in seminiferous tubule have almost been extruded. 退化期:精巢体积减小,半透明乳白色,生精小管内的成熟精子几乎排空。
- In this example, three oarian follicles are seen on the left and numerous small seminiferous tubules with immature sertoli cells are seen on the right. 性腺可能由单侧或双侧具有睾丸和卵巢组织的两性性腺构成。