- Efficiency market is classified into three types , that is, weak efficiency, semistrong efficiency and strong efficiency. 有效市场分为三种类型:弱式有效、半强式有效、强式有效。
- As for modern investment theory, we will introduce portfolio investment theory, the CAPM, the APT and efficiency market theory. 现代证券投资理论主要学习组合投资理论、资本资产定价模式、套利定价理论、效率市场理论等。
- The efficient market hypothesis is thus to be queried. 有效市场假说是整个现代金融理论的基石。
- Liquidations and closedowns are the healthy catharsis of an efficient market. 停业清理和关门倒闭是一个高效率的市场的一种通便下泻的现象。
- Efficient market theory ,EMT, is also called efficient market hypothesis ,EMH. 有效市场理论有三种不同的表现形式,即弱势有效市场、半强势有效市场和强势有效市场。
- An intelligent trader looks for holes in the efficient market theory. 聪明的交易者寻找有效市场理论的漏洞。
- The stability in sence of semicontinuity of strong efficient of weak-efficient solution set of bilevei multiobjective optimization is considered. 讨论了下层带扰动参数,上层无扰动参数的二层非线性多目标最优化问题次(强)有效解集在半连续意义下的稳定性。
- It is of practical significance that investors use investment theories to prognosticate the future returns and risks and to make their investment decisions in the weak efficiency market of China. 在中国这个弱式有效的证券市场上,中国的投资者运用经典的投资理论,预测未来收益与风险并做出投资决策,具有一定的现实意义。
- The efficiency of market is the mainly sign for a perfect capital market; We can find that the overreaction is an available means to research the efficiency market by the study of overreaction. 市场有效性是一个资本市场健全发展的主要标志,而过度反应是进行市场有效性研究的一种最优方法之一。
- The boat heeled over in a strong wind. 船在强风吹袭下倾侧了。
- Besides reclassification of weak form efficient market, the text carries on empirical research about efficiency of our securities market. 本文的重点除了对弱势有效进行分类之外,还基于新建立的分析体系对我国证券市场效率进行了实证研究。
- In classical Capital Market Theory (CMT), Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) is the headstone of CMT at all times. 在经典资本市场理论(CMT)中,有效市场假说(EMH)一直是资本市场理论的基石。
- The islanders are a strong breed of people. 这些岛上的居民是一种体格强壮的人。
- In efficient markets, such an anomaly should be arbitraged away. 在有效市场中,这种异常情况理应被判出局。
- The oligarchic monopoly is a kind of efficient market structure, the advantage of which can push the development of the completely well-off society. 摘要寡头垄断是一种有效率的市场结构,这种市场结构的优势有助于推进我国全面的小康建设。
- The man attached a strong rope to his sled. 那人将一条结实的绳子系在他的雪撬上。
- The strong smell made me throw up. 这强烈的气味使我呕吐了。
- The fact above shows that China stock market does not satisfy the Efficient Market Hypothesis(EMH) theory. 以上事实说明我国证券市场不满足有效市场假说理论(Efficient Market Hypothesis,EMH)。
- Black Scholes model has solved European option pricing in efficient market successfully. Black Scholes模型成功解决了有效证券市场下的欧式期权定价问题。
- A strong crosswind caused our gunboat to lay along. 一阵猛烈的侧风把我们的战舰吹得倾斜起来。