- Anthocarp clavate, 3-3.5 mm, 5-ribbed, with viscid glands and sparse pubescence, apex rounded. 假果棍棒状,3-3.;5毫米,5肋,具粘的腺体和稀少短柔毛,先端圆形。
- Description: Subshrubs;stem and branches sparsely pubescent. 形态特徵:亚灌木,茎和枝疏被短柔毛。
- Stem 60--80 cm, sparsely pubescent proximally, glabrous distally, simple. 抑制60-80厘米,接近疏生短柔毛,上部,单纯。
- Branches without spines; leaf blade sparsely pubescent, base cuneate. 分枝没有刺;叶片疏生短柔毛,基部楔形。
- Inflorescence umbelliform, leaf-opposed;peduncle 1-2.7 cm, sparsely pubescent. 花序梗1-2.;7厘米,疏生短柔毛。
- Petaline spur incurved, not circinate, ca. 1.2 mm. Carpels sparsely pubescent. 弯曲,不拳卷的花瓣状距,大约1.;2毫米心皮疏生短柔毛。
- Branchlets longitudinally striped, lenticellate, sparsely pubescent. 小枝具纵向条纹,具皮孔,疏生短柔毛。
- Stems 1 to several, erect, unbranched, glabrous or sparsely pubescent. 茎1到数个,直立,,无毛或疏生短柔毛。
- Description: Evergreen trees, branchlets sparsely pubescent when young. 形态特徵:常绿乔木;幼枝疏被柔毛。
- Rachis and pedicels spreading pubescent. Petaline limb sparsely pubescent. 轴和花梗开展的短柔毛。花瓣状冠檐疏生短柔毛。
- sparse pubescence 稀疏毛类型,稀疏茸毛
- The television coverage of the event was rather sparse. 电视上对这件事报道很少。
- Leaf blade leathery; fruit glabrous or with sparse reddish brown pubescence. 叶片革质果无毛的或具稀的红棕色短柔毛。
- She went in to fix the sparse evening meal. 她走进屋去准备简单的晚餐。
- They always spar over trivial matters. 他们总是为一些小事而争吵。
- A ring or collar of rope used to hoist spars or prevent fraying. 索环一环或一圈绳子,用来升起桅杆或防止磨损
- Leaflet blades glabrous; inflorescences and infructescence glabrous or sparsely pubescent then glabrescent. 小叶叶片无毛;花序和果序无毛或疏生短柔毛后脱落。
- The semi drunk man regarded them with fishy eyes. 那个半醉汉迷迷糊糊地看着他们。
- Petals 5, white, obovate, abaxially sparsely pubescent, base cuneate, apex erose. 花瓣5,白色,,背面稀疏短柔毛,基部楔形,啮蚀状的先端。
- The crops on this plot are sparse. 这块地的庄稼长得稀稀落落。