- semi enclosed type motor 半封闭式电动机
- enclosed type motor 封闭式电动机
- Box Typographical term meaning rules which enclosed type matter as a frame. 印刷字体学的术语。指用线作框把字体围绕。
- Box: typographical term meaning rules which enclosed type matter as a frame. 线框:印刷字体学的术语。指用线作框把字体围绕。
- PINGXIANG SPECIAL TYPE MOTOR FACTORY. Welcome to www. Ptdj. Net. 萍乡市特种电机厂。
- Through the selective analysis of the method of establishment enclosed type network forum, we construct the project for the communion platform of the commissioner's. 重点分析了通过建立封闭式网络论坛的方法,来构建科技特派员网络交流平台的方案。
- Ultrasonic motor (USM) is a new type motor which applies frictional force as the driving source. 摘要超声波电动机是以摩擦力作为驱动源的新型电动机。
- Only one of these operands has to be of the enclosing type. 这两个操作数中只有一个必须是封闭类型的。
- The park will take enclosed type of management and open service to ingoing enterprises and prohibit any institution or individual inspecting, appraising and charging to the enterprise with any excuses in order to keep the enterprises operate normally. 工业园对入园企业实行“封闭式管理、开放式服务”,杜绝任何机构及个人以任何借口对企业进行检查、评比、收费等活动,保证企业正常的生产经营。
- Enclosing type parameters should not be referred to inside static members. 不应在静态成员中引用封闭类型参数。
- enclosed type electrical equipment 封闭型电气设备
- This paper has discussed the principle and characteristics of the new type motor after analyzing the principle of conventional motors driven by giant magnetostrictive material. 文章在分析超磁致伸缩电动机的基础上,探讨了新型的超磁致伸缩谐波电动机的原理与特性。
- Please fill in the form enclosed herewith. 请填写随函附上之表格。
- The operator must be marked Shared and at least one of its parameters must be of the enclosing type (Employee). 该运算符必须标记为Shared,而且它至少有一个参数是封闭类型(Employee)的。
- He enclosed the land with a hedge. 他用篱笆把地圈起来。
- His garden was enclosed with a high wall. 他的花园四周筑有高高的围墙。
- repulsion and induction type motor 推斥感应式电动机
- Enclosed is our program invoice in duplicate. 随函附上我方估价单一式两份。
- Referring to enclosing type parameters inside static methods and static inner classes is prohibited outright by the compiler. 编译器完全禁止在静态方法和静态内部类中引用封闭类型参数。
- A cheque for ten pounds is enclosed. 附上一张十英镑的支票。