- Keywords low frequency;isotactic polypropylene;self reinforcement;self toughening;vibration frequency;vibration pressure amplitude; 振动注射;等规聚丙烯;自增强;自增韧;振动频率;振动压力幅度;
- I do not like to go to the movies by my self. 我不喜欢自己一个人看电影。
- All this mountain climbing will toughen the boys up. 这些爬山运动会把孩子们锻炼得身强体壮。
- I my self is going to make a sandwich. 我要亲手做个三明治。
- He was a wreck of his former self. 他身体坏得不成样子,已兴从前判若两人。
- Knowledge of self increases as one gets older. 随着年岁的增长,人们的自我认识也不断加深。
- The teacher made comments on our compositions. 老师就我们的作文作了讲评。
- He's not looking like his old self lately. 他最近看起来不像以前那样。
- He likes to quote proverbs in his compositions. 他喜欢在作文中引用谚语。
- He played many of his compositions for me. 他为我演奏了他的许多乐曲。
- He is my best friend, my second self, as it were. 他是我最好的朋友,或者说,是第二个我。
- He never has any thought of self. 他从不考虑个人得失。
- He is now out of all conceit with his former self. 他现在全盘否定了他原来的自己。
- The company leader said that army life would toughen the recruits up. 连长说军队生活可以使新兵锻炼得更坚强。
- He needs plenty of hard exercise to toughen him up. 他需要充分的艰苦锻炼以增强体质。
- There are many spelling mistakes in your compositions. 你的作文有许多拼写错误。
- This experience will toughen her. 这次经历会让他变坚韧。
- We must toughen our scalps and bear it, I added. 要硬着头皮顶
- Can you show us how to use the self - timer ? 能告诉我如何使用自动装置吗?
- He needs a neat diet and plenty of hard exercise to toughen him up. 他需肉类饮食和大运动量的艰苦锻炼使自己强健起来。