- How can it pass the pre-installation self test? 能通过安装前的测试吗?
- The fixed gas detection system with automatic self test. 具有自我自动校正功能的固定式气体侦测系统.
- The fips driver can't load. The driver failed the algorithm self test. fips驱动程序不能加载。此驱动程序的算法自检测失败。
- Once rebooted the PDT should be clear,unless the system actually finds some me?mory problem when doinga self test. 重新启动后,PDT应当空白,除非系统在自检上确实发现有内存问题。
- The JL-2 missile program was delayed by the test failure but is continuing to be developed, the officials said. “JL-2 导弹项目因为测试失败而延迟,但是该项目仍在进行中”; 该官员说.
- Patented Vaginitis Self Test Card provide free of charge can be used for genital health cheek. 赠送阴道炎自我女性肾虚如何调理检测卡,对生殖器健康进行定性检查。
- Leaving Continue after failure unchecked means that the ordered test will stop running after the first occurrence of a test failure. 不选中“失败后继续”表示在首次发生测试失败后,顺序测试将停止运行。
- To succeed the implementation of the AREVA Technology to Customers' satisfaction for manufacturing transformers without test failure and inside budget. 确保利用AREVA技术生产制造用户满意的,无缺陷且控制在成本预算范围内的变压器产品。
- Automatic moment limiter has the function of self testing and alarming. 全自动力矩限制器具有自动检测和报警功能。
- Integration with test failure management software so that investigators can see test specification data for each failed (automated or manual) test variation. 与测试故障管理软件集成,因此调查人员可以看到每次失败的(自动或手动)测试中的测试规范数据。
- With the fast growing portable electronics market and higher need of wafer test, power consumption problem of built in self test (BIST) has attracted more and more considerations. 随着手持设备的兴起和芯片对晶片测试越来越高的要求,内建自测试的功耗问题引起了越来越多人的关注。
- To succeed the implementation of the AREVA Technology to Customers‘ satisfaction for manufacturing transformers without test failure and inside budget. 确保利用AREVA技术生产制造用户满意的,无缺陷且控制在成本预算范围内的变压器产品。
- Objectives: 1. To succeed the implementation of the AREVA Technology to Customers' satisfaction for manufacturing transformers without test failure and inside budget. 确保利用AREVA技术生产制造用户满意的,无缺陷且控制在成本预算范围内的变压器产品。
- This paper presents a segment weighted random built-in self test (SWR-BIST) technique for low power testing. 本篇论文提出了区段加权乱数之低功率自我测试技术。
- Make analysis report for the test failures and summarize the analysis report. 对测试不过产品进行失效分析,总结分析报告。
- Function The Pulser Preamplifier can be programmed to inject a sine wave, for the purpose of automated self testing or calibration. 结构脉冲发生器/前置放大器可用程序控制绘制正选波;目的是进行自动化自我监测和校正.
- Methods The teachers of 3 middle schools and 35 primary schools in Tongcheng were sampled to complete SCL 90 self tests. 方法采用SCL-90症状自评表对桐城市3个乡镇随机抽出3所初中和35所小学的教师进行调查。
- This exam platform not only has g reat convinence for exam of computer culture base,but also offers students a ch ance to get familiar with content of computer grade exam through self test,bett er and faster. 此平台的应用极大地方便了计算机文化基础课程的考试;学生也能进行自评自测;更快、更好地熟悉计算机等级考试的内容.
- Core tips: General Administration of Quality Supervision recently announced the "black list", a total of 191 batches of imported foreign goods imported in the test failure was due to interception. 核心提示:在国家质检总局近日公布的“黑名单”中,共有191批次进口洋货在进境时因检验不合格被拦截。
- As soon as Jester detects a single test failure, it aborts the run, so failing as early as possible can short-circuit a lot of time-consuming extra tests. 只要Jester发现一个测试失败,就会终止运行,所以尽早失败可以短路大量耗时的额外测试。