- This decision sets a precedent for future cases of a similar nature. 这一裁决为今後性质类似的案件提供了判例。
- This decision set a precedent for future cases of a similar nature. 这一裁决为今後性质类似的案件提供了判例。
- This paper analyses the feature and description of the fractal graphics,then makes use of the characteristic of self similarity and probes the method of drawing fractal graphics in computer. 本文分析了分形图形的特点及其描述,从而利用它的内在本质具有自相似的特性,探讨在计算机上绘制分形图案的方法。
- This paper proved that grain size composition of pluvial fan conglomerate has self similar fractal structure by applying fractal theory. 应用分形理论证实了洪积扇砾岩的粒度组成具有自相似的分形结构。
- Alteration of similar nature is also reported in connection with the disseminations in layers and the massive nests. 同样的馈变在浸染状矿层及块状矿巢中也都存在。
- Proof of identity includes passport, identity card, driving license and any other documents with a similar nature. 身份证明文件包括护照,身份证,驾驶执照或其它具有相似性质之文件。
- The fact that the growth model of the HRV is in agreement with that of DLA and HRVNS have self similar properties was proved by researching on the growth model of the HRV and computer simulation. 首先对HRV的生长模式加以研究及仿真实验,以验证HRV的生长符合DLA生长模型及HRVNS具有自相似结构。
- By grouping similar settings together, a scenario lets you to group and run tests of a similar nature together. 通过对类似设置进行分组,方案允许对性质类似的测试进行分组并一起运行这些测试。
- This reinforcement technique and its quality control are applicable to project of similar nature. 该工程振冲加固技术的施工方法、技术措施、质量控制措施可供类似工程参考。
- The case of Gao Gang and Rao Shushi was of a similar nature though, of course, they did not form a separate central committee. 高饶事件也是类似那么一个性质,当然还不是另立中央。
- A similar natural protective covering or structure, such as the egg case of a spider. 茧状物类似的自然保护覆盖层或结构,例如蜘蛛的蛋壳
- Proof of identity includes passport, identity card, driving licence and any other documents with a similar nature. 身份证明档包括护照;身份证;驾驶执照或其他具有相似性质之文件.
- In view of its similar nature, the Panel believes that the concept of these two principles can be adapted usefully for the core values framework. 有见于性质相近,小组相信可套用这两个原则的概念,作为核心价值的框架。
- Self similarity of Edge and Smooth Blocks of I mages 图像边缘块及平滑块的自相似性
- This can occur following a number of acquisitions of a similar nature that diverge from a company's mainstream operations. 公司如果进行一连串的收购,而收购的业务偏离原本的主营业务,公司就可能会进行分割。
- Independent self similar component 马氏过程
- As for items with similar nature or function, if the category in which they fall is of importance, they must be presented separately in the financial statements. 性质或功能类似的项目,其所属类别具有重要性的,应当按其类别在财务报表中单独列报。
- To allow greater flexibility in the use of land, Broad Use Terms BUTs are also introduced to group uses of similar nature and planning implications together. 此外,图则现采用概括用途名称以归纳性质和规划影响相若的用途,使土地的用途更为灵活。
- At 9th Level the Artisan can affect an Influence by +4/-4, and at 15th by +6/-6. This Special Ability stacks with others of a similar nature, to a maximum range of +6/-6. 9级艺人可以影响目标的影响力+4/-4,15级艺人+6/-6。几个人同时使用这一能力可以效果叠加,但最大影响为+6/-6。
- I do not like to go to the movies by my self. 我不喜欢自己一个人看电影。