- Often that's because these patients have forgotten to do the basics of self care. 通常是因为这些病人已经忘记了打理自己的一些基本事情。
- These patients have to learn about self care knowledge and skills of the colostomy to minimize the negative influences on quality of life. 患者为了因应造口所带来的影响,他们必须学习有关于造口照顾方面的自我照顾知识和行为。
- Literature review is conducted to explore the prevalence of osteodystrophy, current treatments, the impact factors, and the limitations of patient self care. 内容就肾性骨病变之盛行率及治疗现况作一简介,并针对此问题之致病成因与病患自我照护限制作文献回顾。
- On the other hand, physiotherapy could improve patients limb function and self care ability through appropriate rehabilitation exercises and education about proper usage of assistive devices. 另外,透过物理治疗的复康运动及器具使用训练,更可提高患者的肢体功能和自我照顾能力。
- To women age 25 to 55 who pays attention of self care, Light VC essential powder is high-tech, high quality, trendy skincare product that will bring back your natural beauty, glamour,and youth. 对于年龄限于25岁到55岁之间注重自身护理和美容的女性消费者,**左旋瞬间吸收晶粉是高科技的时尚护肤品。由于**左旋瞬间吸收晶粉的抗衰去皱功能,她会带给您自然美,女性魅力和青春。
- Modern health care mode during stegmonth has its limitation in guiding postpartum recovery.Debating new healthcare mode helpful to puerperant recovery and blest breastfeeding durin... 探讨有利于产褥期产妇康复和促进母乳喂养成功的产褥期保健新模式是产科亟待研究解决的重要课题。
- Results The rate of mental anxiety, the accurate rate of dirigation, the rate of complications and the ability of self care were superior to those of the control group.Conclusions Health edu... 结果通过对60例腰椎管手术病人的研究,说明经过健康教育的观察组在心理焦虑发生率、功能锻炼正确率、并发症的发生率、自理能力等四个方面与对照组有明显优越性。
- Modern health care mode during stegmonth has its limitation in guiding postpartum recovery.Debating new healthcare mode helpful to puerperant recovery and blest breastfeeding during puerperi... 探讨有利于产褥期产妇康复和促进母乳喂养成功的产褥期保健新模式是产科亟待研究解决的重要课题。
- The traditional “confinement in childbirth” has a great deal of problems about health of mothers and infants.Modern health care mode during stegmonth has its limitation in guiding postpartum recovery. 传统的“坐月子”存在着大量的母婴健康问题,现有的产褥期保健模式,对产后康复指导作用存在局限性。
- Explore the effect of Orem self - care mode on the management of birth process Orem自理模式应用于产程管理中的效果探讨
- Capable of self care for Meal section 自我照顾能力较差,需要部分护理
- whole-course accountability nursing care mode “一贯制”责任护理模式
- You can do it this way if you care to. 如果你乐意的话,可以这样做。
- I do not like to go to the movies by my self. 我不喜欢自己一个人看电影。
- I my self is going to make a sandwich. 我要亲手做个三明治。
- He was a wreck of his former self. 他身体坏得不成样子,已兴从前判若两人。
- Knowledge of self increases as one gets older. 随着年岁的增长,人们的自我认识也不断加深。
- Psychological intervention and self care in neurasthenia 神经衰弱的心理疏导及自我保健
- The Health Care Mode of Canada and its Enlightenment to China 加拿大医疗保障模式及其对我国的启示
- It seemed to be her mission to care for her brother's children. 照顾她兄弟的孩子似乎成了她一生的使命。