- He cut off a bunch of grapes to entertain us. 他剪下一串葡萄招待我们。
- The emulsioni paint of mouldproof, moistureproof recipe can cut off effectively water divides what reach metope to wall body to invade, prevent moisture to permeate, put an end to mould develop. 防霉、防潮配方的乳胶漆能有效阻隔水分对墙体及墙面的侵袭,防止水分渗透,杜绝霉菌滋长。
- The slide cut off the valley from the rest of the world. 山崩切断了这个山谷与外界的联系。
- This material requires a bias cut. 这块布必需是对角剪裁。
- He cut off the branches from the trunk. 他把树干上的小分枝都剪掉。
- The gardener cut off a branch from the tree. 园丁从树上砍下一根树枝。
- He was cut off from his fellows. 他和同伴失去联系。
- The heavy wind cut off the wire. 大风刮断了电线。
- Take care not to cut off the buds. 当心不要把幼芽切掉。
- The boy cut off down a side street. 男孩很快地沿一条小街跑掉了。
- He cut off a metre of cloth from the roll. 他从那卷布上剪下一米。
- Furthermore, a high self bias potential of about 16 V is obtained on insulating substrates. 此外, 大约16 V 高自已偏心潜力被获得在绝缘的基体。
- Fail to pay and they'll cut off the electricity. 你(如果)不付款,他们就要断电。
- A storm that cut off power to the whole region. 切断了整个地区电力供应的暴风雨
- My father has cut off the supplies. 父亲停止给我生活费了。
- He had a finger cut off by a machine while working. 他在工作时被机器切掉了一个手指。
- One cannot live cut off from society. 一个人脱离了社会就不能生活下去。
- King Charles I had his head cut off. 英王查理一世遭斩首。
- Our water supply has been cut off. 我们断水了。
- We were cut off in the middle of our conversation. 我们正交谈时,线路被切断了。