- A marketable product; marketable skills. 可出售的产品; 市场所需的技术
- The contract is the market product, isthe market sustainable development power. 合同是市场的产物,是市场可持续发展的动力。
- They market product and service in the place of people goof commonly. 他们一般在人们打发时间的地方推销产品和服务。
- The silk garment is a widely marketable product. 丝绸服装的销路不错。
- PU plastic production quickly, the company marketing products. 生产水性聚氨酯胶,销售本公司产品。
- Look i think he never will play Manchester First team. He is good but not that good. He is just a marketing product. 嗯,我觉得他永远不会进一线队。他是不错但远远不够,他只是个商业工具。
- He is responsible for selling and marketing products. 他负责销售和推销产品。
- The marketable product is afftected signifily by the package. 包装对产品的销路有很大关系。
- EDWARD GREEN: We learned at this stage that it was a low cost high volume mass market product. 爱德华.;格林:我们在这个阶段了解到这是一种量大价廉的大众产品。
- Our call centers allow us to market products over the telephone. 我们的信息服务台允许我们通过电话推销产品。
- For succeed in and squeeze into the market product, we must increase the advertising budget . 为成功地将产品打入市场,我们必须增加广告预算。
- Dale A. Lunsford, Melissa S. Burnett. Marketing Product Innovations to the Elderly: Understanding the Barriers to Adoption [ J ].Journal of consumer Marketing, 1992(Fall) :53 -63. 箭头表示由于生理、心理和社会老化;人们在一生中可以从一个阶段转向另一阶段.;左向箭头(1和3)表示心理和社会老化;右向箭头(2和4)表示生理/身体老化
- For a short while, the Chinese traditional medicine of clear hot alexipharmic function on the market product sell like hot cakes, export volume increases. 一时间,市场上清热解毒功能的中药产品热销,出口量增加。
- SCS will initially market products from the global Sasol Solvents business. 其为市场提供的产品来自于全球沙索溶剂公司。
- If market product is discovered inconsistent on the outer view or technical specification unconformity with original application package, CB shall revoke its certificate. 经抽验与原样品不符或不符合技术规范者,发给型式认证证明之原验证机关(构)得废止其型式认证证明。
- SCS will initially market products from the global Sasol Chemicals business. 其为市场提供的产品来自于全球沙索化学公司。
- I do not like to go to the movies by my self. 我不喜欢自己一个人看电影。
- I my self is going to make a sandwich. 我要亲手做个三明治。
- He was a wreck of his former self. 他身体坏得不成样子,已兴从前判若两人。
- Knowledge of self increases as one gets older. 随着年岁的增长,人们的自我认识也不断加深。