- Any affair as long as can go toward a bad direction development, certain go toward that direction development. 任何事情只要能往坏的方向发展,就一定往那个方向发展。
- Well Xi20 1X is a directional development well in Block Xi20, with its target formation in the Cambrian system. 西 2 0 - 1X井是西 2 0断块上的 1口三开定向开发井 ,目的层为寒武系府君山组。
- Stamen is most, helix is arranged, centrifugal direction development, sometimes little at 10, often have degrade staminal. 雄蕊多数,螺旋排列,离心方向发育,有时少于10个,常有退化雄蕊。
- direct development of the spectrophotometry 直接显色分光光度法
- In this region, the tectonic faults with NS direction develop, neutral-acid intrusive rocks and alkaline basalt eruptive rocks form two nearly NS direction magmatic rock belts. 区内近南北向隐伏断裂发育,中酸性侵入岩、碱性玄武喷发岩构成近南北向岩浆构造带;
- Small, thickness thin light helping note-booking typing computer keyboarding to light thin short light and high intelligent direction develop furthermore. 体积小、厚度薄、重量轻、更有利于笔记本型电脑键盘向轻、薄、短、小和高智能化方向发展。
- I do not like to go to the movies by my self. 我不喜欢自己一个人看电影。
- I my self is going to make a sandwich. 我要亲手做个三明治。
- He was a wreck of his former self. 他身体坏得不成样子,已兴从前判若两人。
- Knowledge of self increases as one gets older. 随着年岁的增长,人们的自我认识也不断加深。
- She cast her eyes down to avoid direct eye contact. 她垂下双目以避免对视。
- The self - directed study of a language. 自我指导地对一门语言的学习。
- The development of birchen juice will use birchen resource to be a center with development henceforth, to food, day is changed article, medical Protection tastes directional development. 今后桦树汁的开发应该以开发利用桦树资源为中心,向食品,日化品,医疗保健品方向发展。
- He's not looking like his old self lately. 他最近看起来不像以前那样。
- I thought the law was directed against husbandmen. 我认为该法律是直接针对农民的。
- He is my best friend, my second self, as it were. 他是我最好的朋友,或者说,是第二个我。
- The complaints are directed at you. 这些牢骚是对你而发的。
- He never has any thought of self. 他从不考虑个人得失。
- World economy is unifying with the trend advancing irresistibly to the whole world marketplace , enterprise survival digitization , commercial competition internationalization direction develop. 世界经济正以势不可挡的趋势朝着全球市场一体化,企业生存数字化,商业竞争国际化的方向发展。
- I'll book you on a direct flight to London. 我将为你预订直飞伦敦的航班。