- The result indicated that selection stress was the main reason resulting in the significant deviations of synthetic introgression loci from expected segregation ratios. 人工选择压力可能是导致遗传位点出现偏分离行为的重要原因。
- Stress can be the undoing of so many fine players. 紧张可能是这许多优秀选手失败的原因。
- In the word "mother" the stress is on the first syllable. 在"mother"这一字里,重音在第一个音节上。,在"mother"这一字里,重音在第一个音节上。
- He reverted to smoking when under stress. 他因受到压力又恢复了吸烟的习惯。
- She helped to select a dress for Ruth. 她帮着给露丝选了一件衣裳。
- We led a hard life in times of stress. 在困难时期我们过着艰苦的生活。
- She is selective in the dresses she wears. 她对于自己穿的衣服精挑细选。
- The cure for stress lies in learning to relax. 消除紧张的方法在于学会放松。
- The detective laid great stress on details. 侦探特别强调细节。
- High winds put great stress on the structure. 大风作用于该建筑物上而产生巨大的应力。
- Lay heavy stress on law and order. 主要重点放在法律和秩序上。
- She only stays at select hotels. 她只住一流旅馆。
- Can student willfully select the course? 学生可以随意选择课程吗?
- In "under", the main stress is on "un". 在“under”这个词中,重读音节在“un”上。
- They lay too much stress on money. 他们太看重金钱了。
- A select group were invited to the wedding reception. 一群经过挑选的人士被邀请参加婚宴。
- She lay great stress on proper behavior. 她很强调行为端正。
- I must stress that what I say is confidential. 我要强调我说的话是保密的。
- I'm very selective about the people I associate with. 我与他人来往极慎重,不滥交。
- Constant stress has made our nerves brittle. 我们长期处于紧张状态,神经已经吃不消了。