- She seldom if ever goes to the pictures. 她很少去电影院。
- The robot seldom if ever tires or losses interest, in its task. 机器人对于所承担的工作简直不会感到疲劳或厌倦。
- Seldom if ever was there any training or instructions in such tactics for either the tank crews or the infantry formations. 很少甚至没有这样的协同训练或指导,不论对坦克部队,还是步兵部队。
- She seldom, if ever, goes to the cinema. 她难得看电影。
- The island is seldom, if ever, visited by ships. 这个岛难得有船停靠。
- She seldom, if ever, paints or powders. 她很少涂脂抹粉。
- He seldom, if ever, reads a book. 他几乎从来不看书。
- That was a fine meal if ever there was one! 那确实是一顿丰盛的饭。
- She seldom, if ever, goes to the theatre. 她难得上剧院看场戏 即便不能说从来不去。
- We see them very seldom,if ever. 我们难得见到他们。
- The passive man seldom, if ever, expresses himself. 即使有,那个消极的男人也很少表达自已的意见。
- His wife seldom, if ever has a holiday. 他的妻子难得有一天休息。
- She seldom, if ever, reads a book. 她难得读书。
- He is a great musician if ever there was one. 如果曾经有过伟大的音乐家,那他就是一个。
- The thrifty farmer seldom, if ever, indulge himself with good food. 那个节俭的农民难得吃好菜好饭让自己享受一下。
- If ever she gives a party she likes to do it in style. 她每举办舞会,总喜欢搞得很排场。
- The thrifty farmer seldom,if ever,indulge himself with good food. 那个节俭的农民难得吃好菜好饭让自己享受一下。
- Controls will seldom, if ever, need to override this method. 控件很少需要重写此方法(即使有的话)。
- I feel the practice of his profession has seldom if even been a chore to him. 即使对于他来说他的职业已成为家务杂事,我感觉他的专业实践很少。
- Remember to look me up if ever you are here. 如果你来此地,别忘了来看看我。