- Seize opportunity by the beard, for it is bald behind. 见了机会,就要抓他的胡子,因为他后面没有头发。
- Life is to make choices and seize opportunities. 人生就是做出选择和抓住机遇。
- In the propaganda aspect, this right “the enemy” likes the seize opportunity by the forelock making a trouble obviously to opposite party. 在宣传方面,这对“冤家”显然都喜欢抓住时机给对方制造点麻烦。
- We should seize opportunity, promote poineering spirit energetically, strengthen poineering culture construction, play an age most ictus. 我们应抓住机遇,大力弘扬创业精神,加强创业文化建设,奏响时代最强音。
- Chinese enterprise should seize opportunity, use up market of speed army Africa, imperative productivity project is built over. 中国的企业应该抓住机遇,尽快进军非洲市场,在那里建设急需的生产性项目。
- Seize opportunity, meet a challenge, need baronial bravery spirit, deep wisdom, need long-term strategic view and clear development thinking more. 抓住机遇,迎接挑战,需要宏大的胆魄,深的聪明,更需要长远的战略目光和清楚的发展思路。
- From Pearl River delta for, guangzhou news publishs an industry to have solid base, want to seize opportunity, foretaste of go ahead of the rest, development innovation. 从珠江三角洲来说,广州新闻出版产业有雄厚的基础,要抓住机遇,先行先试,开拓创新。
- Seize opportunity steady work initiates a technology to supervise Sara of working new phase Kyd 21 century is quality century, the enterprise of our country is facing intense market competition. 抓住机遇扎实工作开创技术监督工作新局面莎拉基德21世纪是质量世纪,我国的企业面临着激烈的市场竞争。
- Its autonomy comes eventually perforative an important basic guiding ideology: Seize opportunity namely, hold overall situation, development is accelerated in implementing two change. 它自治至终贯穿了一个重要的基本指导思想:就是抓住机遇,把握大局,在实行两个转变中加快发展。
- seize opportunity by the forelock 抓住时机; 不错过机会
- To Seize Opportunity and Speed Up Development 抓住机遇加速发展
- You can get balance sheets, income statements, ratios, Seizing Opportunity growth patterns - just about anything. 你能看到资产负债表,损益表,利润率,成长模式--要什么有什么。”
- We should seize the opportunity to counterattack. 现在,我们应乘机反攻。
- That is the only way to seize opportunities to push the economy to a higher stage. 坚持改革开放才能抓住时机上台阶。
- The Group is adopting a proactive strategy to meet the challenges and to seize opportunities which are open to the Group. 集团现正采取主动策略以迎接挑战及抓紧机遇
- Neozoic economist of China people seized opportunity, will nearly more than 10 years appear the economics treatise of large quantities of one high quality, it is strong proof. 中国的新生代经济学家们抓住了机遇,近十多年来出现了一大批高质量的经济学论著,就是有力的证明。
- Face dilemma, he seizes opportunity, guide business leading group to be made continuously 3 big decision-making, result step by step defeat sb by a surprise action. 面对困境,他抓住机遇,带领企业领导班子连续做出三大决策,结果步步出奇制胜。
- Over the years people have asked if I had one simple idea that would help others cope with problem,seize opportunities and make their lives successful. 这些年来,人们一直问我是不是有能帮他们处理问题、帮他们抓住机遇、使他们的生活美满幸福的简单良策。
- Don't hesitate; seize the first opportunity that comes along! 别再犹豫了,一有机会就抓住它!
- They must know how to seize opportunities to accelerate development and enhance their abilities of keeping the market economy well in hand. 善于抓住机遇加快发展,不断提高驾驭市场经济的能力。