- In seismic facies analysis, symbiosis voxel technology in graph processing was inducted to probe the seismic attribute symbiosis voxel clustering technology. 在地震相分析中,引入了图像处理中的共生体素技术,探讨了地震属性共生体素聚类分析地震相划分技术;
- Cretaceous seismic facies analysis of northern South Yellow Sea Basin 南黄海盆地北部坳陷白垩系地震相分析
- Application of seismic sequence and seismic facies analysis technique in complicated reservoir identification in the southeast of Sichuan, China 地震地层及地震相分析在川东南复杂储层识别中的应用
- seismic facies analysis 地震相分析
- The paleoenvironment of Jurassic in the southeastern Tarim basin was reconstructed based on the analysis of depositional and seismic facies. 摘要在沉积相和地震相特征分析的基础上,重建了塔里木盆地东南缘侏罗纪沉积古环境。
- The actual analysis shows that the applied seismic sedimentology has unique advantages in sedimentary facies analysis and in lithologic trap forecasting. 实例分析表明,实用地震沉积学在沉积相分析和岩性圈闭预测方面具有独特的优势。
- Seismic facies show that the sedimentation is governed by hemipelagic sediments and/or turbidite deposits. 上部斜坡发育许多水下切蚀沟,显示以侵蚀作用为主;
- It shows the predominance of the reclassification of seismic facies in finely describing the geology body. 认为地震波形分类的再分类研究可以有效指导岩性油气藏的勘探与开发。
- Seismic facies showing distributing belts of cancave filling and mounded reflection are the response of the above-mentioned zones. 下凹充填、丘形反射地震相分布带正是主河流带的地震响应。
- Microseismic facies analysis and reservoir prediction for Carboniferous carbonates in Meigait Slope, Tarim basin. 麦盖提斜坡石炭系碳酸盐岩微地震相特征与储集层预测
- By the coal facies analysis,an evidence is provided for the coal forming environment in Yilli Basin. 通过煤相分析,为伊犁盆地成煤环境的研究提供了佐证。
- Isochronal horizons can be obtained through recognizing types of seismic unconformity boundary, the features of seismic facies and the relations of sandbody overlapping. 根据地震不整一边界类型、地震相特征、砂体叠置关系变化可以确定小层等时界面,并且等时界面可以从波峰等时渐变到波谷;
- The microseismic facies analysis of target intervals is helpful to find out favorable carbonate reservoir zones. 利用目的层微地震相特征,可寻找有利的碳酸盐岩储集层发育带。
- With consideration of basin texture and paleogeographic settin8, thecorresponding relations between seismic facies and sedimentary facies were determi... 结合现今勘探现状,指明了今后有利的油气勘探方向。
- Through core facies analysis, the types of subfacies and micro - facies of each sedimentation have been distinguished further. 通过岩心相分析进一步划分了各类沉积的亚相和微相类型。
- Plane distribution rule of Permian sedimentation is summarized through stratigraphic correlation and sedimentary facies analysis. 通过地层对比和沉积相分析,总结了二叠纪沉积相平面分布规律;
- A sedimentary model is thus suggested for the upper member of the Hesan Formation on the basis of source area and its tectonic settings,in combination with well logs and geological data as well as the distribution of the seismic facies. 在明确研究区物源方向、物源区及其大地构造性质的基础上,综合利用研究区目的层段的钻井、测井及地质资料,根据其地震相平面展布特征,将地震相转换为沉积相,并由此归纳出研究区核三组上段的沉积模式。
- In Bohai Bay basin, the oil and gas exploration should be based on sedimentary facies analysis, and focus on the favorable diagenetic zones and formations. 渤海湾盆地油气勘探可以沉积相为基础,以成岩深度带和层位为线索展开。
- Abstract: Seismic facies of Jurassic system on East Fukang slope in Junggar Basin are divided and named mainly based on the reliable internal reflection texture and external shape of the seismic sequence unit. 文摘:对准噶尔盆地阜东斜坡区侏罗系地层进行了研究,选择了可信度较高的地震反射内部结构和外部形态,辅助地震反射振幅、连续性等参数,对地震相进行了划分命名。
- In the end, the seismic facies have been transferred into sedimentary facies, and the results show that the shallow lake, semi-deep lake and shore lake sub-facies were mainly developed in the study area. 编制了研究区地震相平面分布图,同时利用单井资料对和1、和5井进行了单井沉积相分析。