- KL filtering is one of the important techniques in seismic data processing. 摘要KL滤波是地震数据处理中的重要方法技术之一。
- In conventional seismic data processing,reflect wave migration images are based on common depth point (CDP)or common midpoint (CMP)stacking technology. 在常规地震数据处理过程中,反射波的偏移成像是基于地震数据的共深度点或共中心点叠加技术进行的。
- The ideal processing results are achieved by using the method in a quantity of real seismic data processing. 在对大量的实际地震资料处理中 ,使用该方法见到了较理想的效果
- Multiple elimination is one of the important topics in the field of seismic data processing. 摘要海底复反射之消除一直是震测处理过程中令人困扰的问题。
- In seismic data processing, normal-moveout correction is a important step for improving the accuracy of result. 摘要动校正是地震资料处理的关键内容之一,直接关系到地震资料处理结果的精度。
- Therefore, VSP well control seismic data processing was investigated and applied for improving resolution in LS area. 为此,在LS地区开展了提高分辨率VSP井控地震资料处理技术研究。
- This paper introduces the seismic data processing method in Hequ loess covering area in Shanxi in detail. 本文详细介绍在山西河曲黄土覆盖区地震资料处理方法。
- The suppression or utilization of the peg-leg multiple wave is a difficult problem in seismic data processing and interpretation. 摘要对微屈多次波的压制或利用是地震资料处理、解释中的一个难题。
- Traveltime calculation plays an important role in many methods of seismic data processing such as pre-stack migration and tomography. 快速精确地旅行时计算在地震资料的叠前偏移与层析反演中起重要作用。
- Verification of DMO impulse response as well as real seismic data processing show that this algorithm is a practical DMO method. DMO脉冲响应验证与实际地震资料处理表明 ,该算法是一种实用的DMO方法。
- Stack is the most important step of impro-ving data quality in modern seismic data processing, and moveout correction becomes an important operator in the course of stacking. 在现代地震数据处理中,叠加是改善资料质量最重要的一步。在叠加过程中,时差校正就成为了至关重要的算子。
- Velocity analysis is an important step in seismic data processing, which determines the precision of NMO, CDP stack, post-stack migration and time-depth conversion. 速度分析是地震勘探资料处理中的关键环节,它的准确与否对动校正、共深度点叠加、叠后偏移及时深转换等都将产生影响。
- The seismic data processing and explication have developed from the preceding migration to latter migration, full 3-D seismic data visualization and network compute system. 资料处理和解释由叠后偏移向叠前偏移及全三维可视化、网络计算系统发展。
- DDM(Depth-Density Method) seismic data processing method can directly transfer the seismic time section to the depth-density section of that surveying line. 方法是将地震时间剖面直接反演成深度、密度剖面的一种地震资料处理方法.
- As the basis of deconvolution, wave impedance inversion and forward model, the seismic wavelet estimation is a long-term research in seismic data processing. 地震子波估计作为地震资料反褶积处理、波阻抗反演以及正演模拟的基础工作,是国内外地震信号处理中长期研究的重要课题。
- The problem of amplitude preservation has not been well solved in seismic data processing because of subsurface complexity, and it is still in a stage of groping. 摘要由于地下情况的复杂性,地震数据处理中的振幅保持问题一直未能得到很好的解决,目前还处在摸索阶段。
- Basically, the cross-well seismic data processing has two steps: traveltime velocity inversion tomography for direct arrival and seismic reflection stack image. 井间地震资料的处理主要包括两个最基本的内容,即直达波旅行时速度反演层析成像和地震反射波叠加成像。
- Using TCP/IP protocol, the computational efficiency by turning some sequencing seismic data processing software to network parallel software can be improved. 使用TCP/IP协议将某些地震数据处理软件设计成网络并行处理程序,可极大地提高计算效率。
- And the techniques such as wide angle reflection information extraction, interacted dynamic NMO correction muting in CMP super-gather, are first brought forward in Jianghan Oilfield , and a proper seismic data processing flow is confirmed . 同时,还首次在江汉提出了广角反射信息提取、共中心点(CMP)超道集交互动态动校正切除等处理新方法,确定了合理处理流程。
- As the common mid-point (CMP) stacking is hard to get a good effect in the complicated geological structure in seismic data processing, the common reflection point(CRP) stacking is used. 在地震勘探数据处理中,通常采用的共中心点(CMP)叠加技术对于复杂的地质构造难以取得好的效果。