- The trees and bushes round the place Seemed midnight at noonday. 周围的那些树木和灌木丛仿佛是正午的午夜。
- seemed midnight at noonday. 却觉得似子夜一般暗。
- They decided to meet at noonday. 他们决定正午时见面。
- At noonday two people entered the grove. 中午时分有两个人走进了树林。
- That he was not a thief was as clear to her as the sun at noonday. 她完全明白他不是小偷。
- This deadly broil fell out in the midst of Verona at noonday. 这件可怕的乱子是中午时候出在维洛那城的中心。
- This deadly broil fell out in the midst of Verona at noonday . 这件可怕的乱子是中午时候出在维洛那城的中心。
- At midnight at the turn of the Nem Year , people let off firecrackers . 午夜之交的神经,人们放鞭炮。
- It is time. Meet us at midnight at the ring as soon as you are able. We have something for you. 这是时间。在午夜找我们尽可能快的找。我们有东西给你。
- It's usually around midnight at this time.If I feel antsy or need to rethink some of my plays, I go for a walk. 我的日子过,我试着不要再做相关扑克走出我的公寓。
- Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday. 也不怕黑夜行的瘟疫,或是午间灭人的毒病。
- In the summer, even at noonday it is quiet, for every man has hidden from the glare of the sun in his mud-brick house. 为了开动这部老爷车,配备了整整四个人:司机、机械师以及两个助手。那两个助手像马车夫那样,袖手坐在驾驶室两旁延伸出来的车板上。
- Midnight at the Well of Souls.Jack L.Chalker.Most of the universe was actually built by an ancient dead race and is manipulated by one massive computer. 大部份的宇宙实际上由一个远古的死亡种族建造的并由一台庞大的计算机控制着。
- Some of more than 50 couples practiced an assembled kiss for midnight at the annual New Year's Eve celebration in Times Square in Midtown Manhattan. 美国;纽约:超过50对情侣参加了每年在时代广场举行的庆祝纽约平安夜的集体接吻活动.
- Are you men ready? We go into action at midnight. 战士们,你们准备好了吗?我们半夜按计开始行动。
- This deadly broil falling out in the midst of Verona at noonday, the news of it quickly brought a crowd of citizens to the spot. 这件可怕的乱子是中午时候出在维洛那城的中心的。消息一传出去,一群市民很快就奔到出事地点。
- It's usually around midnight at this time.If I feel antsy or need to rethink some of my plays, I go for a walk.Otherwise I watch TV a bit or read. 当我绝对不能离开我的案头,我看在我的艺术都挂在天上。
- The English ambassador began: "George the Third, who, like the sun at noonday, spreads his light and illumines the world. 英国大使首先说,"我提议为乔治三世干杯,他像正午当空的太阳,以他的光芒照耀着全世界。"
- I can open the back gate at midnight. 午夜的时候我可以打开后门。
- I will bring against them, against the mother of a young man, A destroyer at noonday;I will suddenly bring down on her Anguish and dismay. 我使灭命的午间来,攻击少年人的母亲,使痛苦惊吓忽然临到她身上。