- "Are you actively seeking jobs?" She asked. “你真的在积极找工作吗?”她问。
- They moved to New York to seek jobs. 他们迁到纽约去找工作。
- The unemployed should seek jobs through the labor market. 失业人员再就业要走劳动力市场这条路。
- They seek job security, personal prestige and power. 他们追求的是保住职位,个人威信和权力。
- Over 6 millions guaduate students this year in China, up tp a quater of them are still struggling to seek jobs. 中国今年有超过600万的应届毕业生,将近四分之一的学生还在苦苦地寻找工作。随着全球经济的衰退,苏盈盈知道,形势只会越来越严峻。
- He also says African refugees living in Egypt, mostly from Eritrea and Sudan, have been shot or arrested trying to cross into Israel, seeking jobs. 史密斯说:“在这些难民试图入境时,发生了骚扰、拘捕和殴打难民的事件。”
- They have migrated to cities to do business or seek jobs and many are employed in construction, textile and tertiary industries in large and medium-sized cities. 他们进城务工经商,跨地区流动就业,在所有的大中城市,在建筑、纺织、第三产业等许多重要领域都活跃着他们的身影。
- Farmers' doing business and seeking jobs in cities is an objective demand for developing urban tertiary industry and enhancing the living quality of urban residents. 农民进城务工经商是发展城市第三产业、提高城市居民生活质量的客观需要。
- All POPs migrating are programmed to seek jobs within your country first, then in your country's colonies, and lastly in other countries. 他们会首先在本土寻找工作,然后再你的殖民地,如果仍然没有工作则他们会到国外寻找。
- Almost all the students in the last year of college were seeking jobs or preparing for the postgraduate examination and thus in a state of busyness and restlessness. 大四的学生几乎都在找工作或者准备考研,每个人都陷入了忙碌和恐慌之中。
- It is not the entertainment industry that turns stars into narcissists, the study found. Rather, it suggests, the self-adoring seek jobs in show business. 研究发现,并不是娱乐业让明星们变得自恋,而是自恋让他们想在娱乐业寻求发展。
- Seek job first should what to do is with be engaged in they want to do of that kind of work of person's confabulation, and the number of the confabulation is more many more good. 求职者首先应该做的是与从事他们想做的那种工作的人交谈,而且交谈的人数越多越好。
- Various localities should clear up and abolish irrational restrictions and unauthorized charges, provide conveniences for farmers for seeking jobs and doing business in cities, and safeguard their legitimate rights and interests in real earnest. 各地要清理、取消不合理的限制和乱收费,为农民进城务工经商提供方便,切实保障他们的合法权益;
- Those employees who came from rural economic collectives shall have the right to return to their original rural economic collectives to engage in production or they may try to seek jobs themselves. 原属于农村集体经济组织的职工有权返回农村集体经济组织从事生产,或者由职工自谋职业。
- I am well aware that this is a tough job. 我深知这是一件棘手的工作。
- If we all muck in we'll soon finish the job. 如果我们大家都动手,一会儿就可以干完这件事。
- A salesman's job is to seek out customers. 推销员的工作是寻求顾客。
- Let him seek peace and ensue it! 让他去追求和平并为和平而奔波吧。
- That might take some time, but in a world where people sought jobs for life (and the pensions that went with them) time was in the company's favour. 那是需要花费时间的,但是在这个人们为了生计而工作的世界里(以及相应的养老金),公司有大把的时间。
- The plaintiff is seeking remedy through the court. 原告通过法院请示获得救济。