- seek rare birds and animals 探访珍禽异兽
- Only rare birds and animals inhabit this remote island. 这个偏远的岛屿上只有一些珍禽异兽。
- Lake of Heaven is also the natural habitat of a variety of rare birds and animals. 天池,被人们称为“聚宝盆”。
- This wooded country of exotic trees and flowers is the haunt of rare Birds and animals. 这里到处是密林,奇花异草遍地丛生,珍禽异兽出没其中。
- To the north, the Greater Xing'an Mountains is home to many rare birds and animals, and the area produces timber, pelts and medicinal herbs. 河套平原和东部农业区出产小麦、玉米、高粱、甜菜、大豆等农产品。
- There are many natural scenery and a lot of rare birds and animals , especially the wombat in Australia, kangaroo ,etc. are unique for world. 澳大利亚有很多天然的景色及许多珍禽异兽,特别是袋熊,袋鼠等为世界独一无二。
- Some rare birds and animals like casein, and some just like all kinds of characters, some like various items, some history through stories, myths and legends named. 有的酪似珍禽异兽,有的宛若各式人物,有的形同各种物品,有的又以历史故事、神话传说而命名。
- A hawk eats smaller birds and animals. 鹰叼食小鸟和小动物。
- Some birds and animals are becoming extinct now. 许多鸟兽现已绝种。
- Mand kinds of birds and animals have extincted. 许多鸟兽现已绝种。
- The lawless persons has taken rare birds, and animals on to the dining-table. 不法分子把珍禽奇兽都搬上了餐桌。
- The sharp, rapid sounds made by some birds and animals. 尖叫声一些鸟类或动物发出的快速的尖叫声
- The sharp,rapid sounds made by some birds and animals. 尖叫声,一些鸟类或动物发出的快速的尖叫声。
- The report of a gun startled the birds and animals in the forest. 枪声惊动了森林中的鸟兽。
- There are giant panda, lesser panda, sambar and other countries to protect more than 20 kinds of rare birds and animals; 区内有大熊猫、小熊猫、水鹿等20多种国家保护的珍禽异兽;
- Forest habitat of various rare birds and animals, antelope, tufted deer, argali, leopard, camphora, green deer, wild boar, and other animals come and golao xiong forest; 林中栖息着各种珍禽异兽,羚羊、毛冠鹿、盘羊、金钱豹、香樟、青鹿、野猪、老熊等异兽出没林间;
- There are all manner of wild birds and animals in the protected region. 在这个自然保护区里有各种野生鸟类和动物。
- Birds and animal which are hunted, especially for food. 可猎取的,尤指射杀后当食用的鸟类和动物。
- There are many rare birds and beasts such as buffalos, leopards, black bears, wild boars, flying foxes, viverra zibethas and white pheasants. 有野牛、金钱豹、黑熊、野猪、飞狐、九节狸、白雉鸡等珍禽异兽。