- The seed of a fleshy fruit; a pip. 籽,种子肉质水果的种子; 籽
- She wanted a particular kind of orchid. 她就想找到那个品种的兰花。
- The large, shiny brown seed of such a fruit. 七叶树果种子七叶树的坚果中巨大,亮褐色的种子
- The large,shiny brown seed of such a fruit. 七叶树果种子七叶树的坚果中巨大,亮褐色的种子
- The potato remains the seed of Andean society. 马铃薯仍是安第斯社会的种子。
- Coffee beans are the seeds of coffee plants. 咖啡豆是咖啡树的果实。
- Sets the seed of the random number generator. 设置随机种子发生器。
- Unprocessed ripe seed of Euphorbia lathyris L. 生千金子。
- seed of orchid 兰科植物种子
- The seed of a fleshy fruit;a pip. 籽,种子肉质水果的种子;籽
- You have a seed of the lotus pond within you. 你心里有一粒荷塘的种子。
- The wallpaper in our bedroom has a pattern of orchids. 我们卧室的壁纸是兰花图案的。
- And the seed of success I will swallow. 我要依照指示,绝不浪费,饮下成功的种子。
- Surprise is the seed of science. 惊奇就是科学的种子。
- The seed of this plant, used as a vegetable. 豌豆籽这种植物的种子,用作蔬菜
- According to the Bible we are all the seed of Adam. 根据《圣经》所说的,我们都是亚当的后裔。
- The Jews are the seed of Abraham. 犹太人是亚拉伯罕的种。
- There are over 35 000 species of orchid distributed throughout the world. 有35,000 多种兰花分布在世界各地。
- Sow the seed of Sa love, harvest happy fruit! 播撒爱的种子,收获幸福的果实!
- The blood of martyrs is the seed of the Imperium. 烈士的鲜血是帝国的种子。