- Analysis on Seed Holding Space of Metering Scoop in Declined Disc-scoop-type Precision Metering Device 倾斜圆盘勺式精密排种器分种勺持种空间分析
- seed holding space 持种空间
- They are simply holding space through their fields for the ascent of humankind. 他们只是通过他们的场为人类提升掌握空间。
- Feeling the pod based flow whilst holding space for a conclave helped me to see that this was indeed possible. 感受到基于圆荚体的能量流同时为大师秘会维系空间的经历,帮助我看到这的确是有可能的。
- All who are ascending are to be congratulated for holding space for this shift, along with the release of all human warfare karma in the year past. 伴随去年对所有人类战争业力的释放,为此变化而维系空间的提升万物都将被庆祝。
- They freely travel as spirit guides them wherever they are needed to hold space for Earth\'s ascension. 当灵体建议他们为了地球提升需要去某些地方掌握空间,他们就自由地去旅行。
- It is through the act of synthesis that our channels are holding space at their annual Conclave for releasing all human karma for warfare. 正是透过合成练习,我们的通灵管道在年度秘会上维系空间以释放人类战争的所有业力。
- We honor each that chose to hold space for the release of human warfare karma this Conclave past, whether present at the event, or focused from afar. 我们尊重去年大师秘会上选择去为释放人类战争把握空间的每一位,无论出现在活动上,还是在远处聚焦。
- Earth has transcended the karma inherent in how such geometry came to be, and utilizes her own thought-form to inverse it upon those holding space for such energy movement. 地球已经超越了关于“这类几何学是如何生成的”的业力,并整合她自己的思想形态来反转那些为这类几何学持有空间的人。
- Now in the recovery of our records and in the coming18 year cycle, Lion will replace Dragonfly in the role of Peace Bearer and holding space for this particular sign in relation to the new universal astrological influences earth is embracing at this time. 现在于我们记录的恢复中,未来18年,狮子将代替蜻蜓成为和平肩负者的角色,并为一特别征兆而维系空间,该征兆与地球此时正在融入的新宇宙星象的影响有关。
- Bush is also targeting a policy, derisively known as “catch and release.” It allows illegal immigrants from countries other than Mexico to be released after their arrest because of holding space. 这项方针规定,由于容纳空间的限制,除了来自墨西哥的非法移民者,逮捕后均可获得释放。
- There is a new song and melody available unto each that attunes unto the aurora.. We shall hold space for the new melody line to catch amongst ascending humans if you attune unto our species. 现在当接通到地心时,每个人都可以得到一种新音乐与新旋律。我们将持有空间,让新的旋律能在提升人类中捕获到,如果你接通到我们物种的话。
- The chef sprinkle poppy seed on the cake. 厨师往蛋糕上撒罂粟籽。
- Part of every crop is saved for seed. 每一种庄稼都留一部分作种子。
- Walrus much like elephant holds space and moves much energy in association with the regions that we exist due to our massive size and amount of body fat. 海象就象大象一样,由于我们的大型尺寸和身体脂肪含量的缘故,在我们生活的地区中维系着空间并移动大量能量。
- How long will our food supplies hold out? 我们的储粮还能维持多久?
- The farmers were scattering seed on the fields. 农夫把种子撒在田里。
- Bursting apart, as some seed pods when ripe. 爆裂的,如一些荚果成熟时
- Temperature is most important for seed germination. 温度对种子的发芽至关重要。
- He rescued a drowning child holding on to a plank. 他救起了一个紧紧抓住一块木板的溺水的孩子。