- The chef sprinkle poppy seed on the cake. 厨师往蛋糕上撒罂粟籽。
- We made an application to the court for an inquiry. 我们曾请求法院调查。
- Part of every crop is saved for seed. 每一种庄稼都留一部分作种子。
- The application has been held up by red tape. 申请被官僚的繁文缛节所耽搁。
- The farmers were scattering seed on the fields. 农夫把种子撒在田里。
- Keys are available on application to the principal. 向校长申请就可得到钥匙。
- Bursting apart, as some seed pods when ripe. 爆裂的,如一些荚果成熟时
- Temperature is most important for seed germination. 温度对种子的发芽至关重要。
- The seed has a hard exterior covering. 这种子外壳很硬。
- You can obtain the application from the registrar. 你可以向注册人员索取申请书。
- He got an application in under the wire. 他在截止日期前交了申请书。
- Success as a writer demands great application. 要成为作家就得狠下功夫。
- The seed of a fleshy fruit; a pip. 籽,种子肉质水果的种子; 籽
- Complete your application in ink. 用钢笔填申请表。
- He started to drink too much and gradually ran to seed. 他喝酒过多,身体逐渐衰弱了。
- He was unlearned in computer application. 他不精通电脑运用。
- Don't forget to send in your application. 别忘了送交你的申请书。
- Do you know about the evolution of a seed into a plant? 你知道从种子发展成为植物的过程吗?
- Her application had impressed him very favorably. 她的申请留给他很好的印象。
- The application of varnish made the desk shine. 上了清漆桌子发亮了。