- I hope you'll find time to come and see us. 我希望你有时间来找我们。
- He came to see us after I have haven my breakfast. 我吃过早饭后,他来看我们了。
- He comes back to see us at regular intervals. 他每隔一段时间就回来看看我们。
- Drop in and see us when you're next in London. 到伦敦时顺便来看我。
- He comes to see us every three days. 他每隔三天来看我们一次。
- He dropped by to see us yesterday. 昨天他顺便来看过我们。
- Come and see us if you're at a loose end. 闲著的时候到我们这儿来坐坐。
- Do come round and see us some time. 务必抽空来坐坐。
- Let us leave that couple to sort themselves out . 我们让那一对夫妇自己解决他们之间的问题吧。
- Let us leave good fame in history. 让我们都做万古流芳的人吧。
- After a lapse of several years he came back to see us. 数年不见之后,他又回来看我们了。
- Let us leave it to time to clear the matter up. 我们走着瞧吧,总有一天事情会水落石出的。
- He insists leting us leave at once. 他坚持要我们马上动身。
- Do come and see us when we've settled in. 等我们的新家完全安顿好后一定来看我们。
- Duck into the doorway and hope he doesn't see us. 赶快躲进门里,但愿他看不见我们。
- Let us leave them alone, Eddie; I want to show you the house. 埃迪,咱们别理他们,我领你看房子去。
- That he does not want to see us is quite obvious. 他不想见我们是很显然的。
- This money will see us to the end of the year. 这笔钱能够让我们维持到年底。
- As soon as they saw us coming they turned tail and ran. 他们一看见我们来了,掉头就跑。
- The beggars made after us when they saw us walking down the road. 乞丐们看见我们在路上散步,他们就跟了过来。