- A rapper raps: “The white man ain't the devil I promise/ You want to see the devil take a look at Clarence Thomas. 一名绕口令表演者说:“白人不是恶魔,我向你保证/你要找恶魔就去看看克拉伦斯?托马斯”。
- There'll be the devil to pay if you scratch my car! 你要是划坏了我的汽车你就有麻烦了!
- Go to the devil, I don't want to see you again! 滚蛋,我再也不想见到你了!
- She seemed to be possessed (by the devil). 她好像著了魔似的。
- See the children ramping about in the playground. 你看孩子们在运动场上乱冲乱跳。
- Cold weather plays the devil with my rheumatism. 天一冷,我的风湿病就犯了。
- Talk of the devil and he will appear. 说到曹操,曹操就到。
- Disentangling all this barbed wire is the devil's own job. 理这些带刺的铁丝,真是个苦差事。
- When he saw the havoc the boys had brought in his flower beds he played the devil with them. 当他看到孩子们严重地毁坏了他的花圃时,他恨透他们了。
- He was the devil of a fellow. He was the lover of a married woman. 他是个糟透了的家伙。他是一个有夫之妇的情人。
- I don't see the point of her last remark. 我不明白她最后那句话的意思。
- I'm just going to the church to see the priest. 我正要去教堂去见见牧师。
- Gave me the devil for cutting class. 我因旷课而受到了严厉的惩罚
- I've seen the devil of voilence, and the devil of greed, and the devil of hot desire. 我见识过那种残暴恶毒的人,见识过贪得无厌的恶棍和欲壑难填的混蛋。
- Did you see the art exhibition downtown? 你看了闹市区的美术展览吗?
- Show me a great actor and I'll show you a bad husband. Show me a great actress and you've seen the devil. 如果你让我看到一个伟大的男艺术家,我就会让你看到一个坏丈夫;如果你让我看到一个伟大的女艺术家,那你就已经看到了一个女魔鬼。
- I didn't see the point of his last remark. 我不理解他最后那句话的意思。
- I've seen the devil of violence, and the devil of greed, and the devil of hot desire. 我见识过那种残暴恶毒的人,见识过贪得无厌的恶棍和欲壑难填的混蛋。
- If inflation becomes much worse there will be the devil to pay. 如果通货膨胀更恶化,其后果将不堪设想。
- From the hill top we can see the plains below. 从山顶上我们可以看到山下的大平原。