- Now that we've reestablished contact I hope to see something of you more often. 既然我们已重新建立联系,我希望能经常见到你。
- Then he went out to see something of Beijing. 然后他出去看了看北京城。
- I have seen something of his work. 我已经看过一些他的作品。
- She must see something of the world for herself, I suppose. 我想她倒是应该亲自去见识见识人情世故才好。
- We hope to see something of you during the holidays. 我们希望在假期里不时能看到你。
- It's easy to see something of theialad amal in his pupil. 在这位打来拉马的弟子身上,很容易看到打来的影子。
- A: Oh, that's a pity. But you saw something of the nightlife? 真遗憾。感受过这里的夜生活吧?
- If you are going to be in Princeton University next year, perhaps we may see something of each other. 要是你明年去普林斯顿大学,我们也许会经常见面。
- If you are going to be in Princeton University next year,perhaps we may see something of each other. 要是你明年去普林斯顿大学,我们也许会经常见面。
- And Java wrapping frameworks are seeing something of a resurgence. 而Java包装框架正是某些概念的复苏。
- I had seen something of this imbroglio at first hand. 我曾经亲眼看到过这种乱七八糟的东西。
- But the last debate on July 2nd saw something of a frisson. 但是7月2日最后一次辩论颇有震撼之处。
- In case I am to find a few days in Africa between now and Christmas, I should like to see something of the new French Army. 如果在现在与圣诞节之间,我能够在非洲匀出几天时间,我希望视察一下法国的新陆军。
- I have not spoken to others for days, and my words will have nothing to say, see something of prevenient and some prevenient movie, and can see some new thing. 我已经好几天没有跟人对话了,这使我词穷了。不知道该说什么话了,看看以前的东西,看看过去的电视剧,还是有点新意的。
- We see something today gives us some of what game? 看看我们的小猪今天又给大家带来了什么游戏?
- Premier Zhao saw something of the American attitude toward China when he visited us in January. 赵总理在今年一月访问美国期间,看到了美国对待中国的态度的一些表现。
- The house is now something of a museum piece. 这座房子现在几乎可以说是珍贵文物了。
- Premier Zhao saw something of the American attitude toward China when he visited U.S.A. in January. 赵总理在今年一月访问美国期间,看到了美国对待中国的态度的一些表现。
- She must have seen something of this in my expression, for she turned abruptly away and ran up the porch steps into the house. 她一定在我的表情中多少看出了一点苗头,因为她猛地掉转身,跑上门廊的台阶走进屋子里去了。
- Mending the car became something of an epic. 修理汽车竟然也算是了不起的事。