- Security and Defense of Domain Name Syst. 域名系统的安全与防范。
- After the Cold War, Common Security and Defense Policy (CSDP) has been put on the European Union's agenda. 摘要冷战结束后,欧洲联盟开始将共同安全与防务合作提上了议事日程。
- China has held consultations in different forms with the United States,Russia,Japan,France,Canada and Australia on issues of common interest in the areas of security and defense. 中国与美国、俄罗斯、日本、法国、加拿大、澳大利亚等国,就共同关心的问题开展了不同形式的安全或防务磋商。
- This thesis recognizes that U.S. is the sole superpower in the post-Cold War, while assertingthat ROK can ensure its own national security and defense independently. 本文在承认美国是唯一超级大国的前提下,认为韩国的安全与防务是可以自主的。
- As a country with long land borders, China has to reserve the right to use APLs on its territory pending an alternative solution is found and its requirements in security and defense capability are catered for. 中国是一个有着漫长陆地边界的国家,在找到杀伤人员地雷替代办法并形成安全防御能力以前,中国不得不保留在本国领土上使用杀伤人员地雷的权利。
- As a country with long land borders,China has to reserve the right to use APLs on its territory pending an alternative solution is found and its requirements in security and defense capability are catered for. 中国是一个有着漫长陆地边界的国家,在找到杀伤人员地雷替代办法并形成安全防御能力以前,中国不得不保留在本国领土上使用杀伤人员地雷的权利。
- This not only represents China's legitimate national security and defense requirements,but also accords with the relevant provisions of the Charter of the United Nations on the right to self-defense. 这是中国正当安全防卫的需要,也符合联合国宪章关于自卫权利的规定。
- Computer network security and defense technology 计算机的网络安全及防范技术
- Security and Defense at the Area of Gas Station 汽车加油站的安全及防护
- International Security and Defense Policy Center 国际安全与国防政策中心
- Common European Security and Defense Policy; 欧洲共同安全和防卫政策;
- Security and Defense of Domain Name System 域名系统的安全与防范
- This is an alliance for offence and defense. 这是一个攻守同盟。
- The Security and Defense Mechanism of CWISs 校园网安全与防范技术
- He traded in securities and became rich. 他做证券交易发了财。
- A few remarks added in amplification and defense. 一些注释加到详叙和辩护中。
- Common Security and Defense Policy 共同安全与防务政策
- European Security and Defense Policy ( ESDP ) 欧洲安全防务政策
- The war has impacted the area with military and defense workers. 战争使那个地区挤满了军队和防御工程人员。
- the state of security and defense 安全与防务状况