- Would you like Real-time Security Agent protection? 接下来询问你是否开启它的实时防护功能?
- In this situation, you must manually install the Client Security agent without reporting capabilities. 在此情况下,您必须手动安装Client Security代理而无报表功能。
- To install the Client Security agent in a home-use scenario, you must install it without the reporting and alerting component. 在家用方案中,要安装Client Security代理,必须在不带报表和警报组件的情况下安装。
- The following table lists the files you need to include for each processor platform when distributing the Client Security agent for home use. 下表列出在分发Client Security代理以供家用时对每个处理器平台需要包括的文件。
- After enabling Microsoft Update, install any Client Security definition updates offered to bring your Client Security agent installation up to date. 在启用Microsoft Update之后,安装提供的任何Client Security定义更新以使您的Client Security代理安装最新。
- Push or local installation of the Remote Agent for Windows Servers (RAWS) fails with no errors and CISCO Security Agent is installed on the server. (对 Remote Agent for Windows Servers (RAWS) 进行推送或本地安装失败且没有产生错误消息,同时在服务器上安装了 CISCO Security Agent。)
- The security agent at the door reportedly turned away at least 200 people, some of whom were understandably irate at not being able to attend the talks they wanted. 据报道,安全人员至少拒绝了200位人员入内,其中一些人为不能出席他们希望参加的会议感到愤怒,这是可以理解的。
- Security agents ran to all the exits in an attempt to head off the gunman. 警卫人员跑向各个出口以阻拦那持枪凶犯。
- Client Security is licensed under a subscription model: on a per-user or per-device basis for the Client Security agent, and on a per-server basis for the Client Security console. Client Security按照预订模型进行许可:对于Client Security代理按每个用户和每个设备,对于Client Security控制台按每台服务器。
- Customers who license the Client Security agent on a per-user basis can provide the Client Security agent to employees at no additional cost for protecting home computers. 按每个用户许可Client Security代理的客户可以为员工提供Client Security代理以保护家庭计算机,不另外收费。
- Meanwhile, Homeland Security agent Darrin Hooks arrives at the hotel and is taken aback to find that he's the second Homeland Security agent arriving on the scene. 同时,国土安全局的特工户克斯抵达了酒店,当被告知已经有另一名特工先抵达现场时,吃了一惊。
- If you installed the Client Security agent prior to configuring the computer to use Microsoft Update, the Client Security icon in the notification area will be an exclamation point. 如果您在将计算机配置为使用Microsoft Update之前安装了Client Security代理,通知区域中的Client Security图标将为惊叹号。
- He had made a rushed connection at dawn in Frankfurt, where a security agent insisted that he jettison a half-used bottle of cologne that was in violation of antiterrorism regulations. 他曾经有一次傍晚的时候在法兰克福匆忙转机,那儿安检坚持让他把用了一半的古龙香水扔掉,说这违反了反恐条例。
- A sub-theory is that Litvinenko died not on Mr Putin's direct order, but through a freelance vendetta pursued by current or former security agents. 次级的推测认为利特维年科被杀并非普京直接下令所致,而是现任或前安全人员私人之间的仇杀所致。
- The student told Pontbriand and Williams that the Homeland Security agents told him the book was on a "watch list. 由于不愿意被公众知道名字,这名学生的情况只能由他的老师之一威廉姆斯介绍。
- SSL support for security agents to support the open-end funds and Yinzhengzhuanzhang. 支持SSL安全代理,支持开放式基金与银证转帐。
- But once there, three black-shirted security agents soon put a stop to the tour. 但是一到那里,三个穿黑衬衫的秘密警察就阻止了这次采访。
- Security agents raided a number of Chinese businesses in Gaborone and arrested a number of illegal Chinese immigrants. 保安人员突击搜查了一些在哈博罗内的中国企业,并拘捕了一些非法中国移民。
- As Chinese tourists took photos of each other, plainclothes security agents took photos of a foreign reporter. 就在中国游客互相拍照留念的同时,一位外国记者也被“便衣”拍了照。
- In a parking lot festooned with red Coke flags, an American dog handler barks commands at journalists being frisked by Afghan security agents. 在一个被红色可口可乐旗子装饰的停车处,一名美国训狗人员对正在被阿富汗安全哨卡人员搜身的记者们咆哮地指挥着。