- Creditors with secured claims can foreclose upon (seize title to) these assets if the borrower defaults. 如果借款人违约,持有担保索赔权的债权人可以没收抵押品资产。
- He claims he was slandered at the meeting. 他声称在会上受人诋毁。
- He claims he is wrongfully dismissed. 他声称他被非法解雇。
- She claims she never sought the limelight. 她说她从不爱出风头。
- He submitted a claim to the insurer. 他向保险公司提出索赔。
- He came and staked out a claim to the land. 他来提出要求说那块地应归他占有。
- I lay no claim to being an expert economist. 我决不自命为经济学专家。
- I want to put in a claim for damages. 我想提出赔偿损失的要求。
- I can't claim infallibility for this method. 我不敢说这方法绝对有效。
- I make no claim to be a paragon. 我决不认为自己是完人。
- We'll need to secure a bank loan. 我们需获银行贷款。
- We have limited funds and several competing claims. 我们的基金有限而争相申请的却有几处。
- A climber needs secure footholds. 攀登的人脚踩的地方要很牢固。
- He decided to resign his claim to the copyright. 他决定放弃对版权的要求。
- The child felt secure near its parents. 这个孩子在父母跟前感到很安全。
- He says his claim is not negotiable. 他说他的要求是不容讨价还价的。
- Make the windows secure before leaving the house. 出门之前把窗户关严。
- Most wage claims are settled by compromise. 对提高工资的要求大多都能折衷解决。
- The little boy felt secure near his parents. 那小男孩在父母身边感到安心。
- His claim to ownership is invalid. 他的所有权是无效的。