- My name is Kimiko Obashi. I'm on the secretarial staff here. 我叫大桥贵美子,我是这秘书科的职员。
- As a result, most people, including the secretarial staff, are deeply influenced by Confucianism in their way of thinking. 所以中国文人的思想里,受孔子的儒家思想的影响极深,秘书人员也不例外。
- Secretarial staff will surely benefit much if they can pay more attention to absorbing the essence of Confucianism and apply them to their work. 因此秘书人员如果能在工作中注意吸取孔子思想中的精华 ,并善于应用于工作中 ,必会有所收益。
- The bureau is also the focal point for consultation with major staff associations and its General Grades Office manages the 28500 executive,clerical and secretarial staff. 公务员事务局经常与各个主要职工会协商。该局辖下的一般职系处,负责管理28500名行政、文书和秘书职系人员。
- It is also the focal point for consultation with the principal staff associations and its General Grades Office manages the 30 800 executive,clerical and secretarial staff. 公务员事务局经常与各主要职工会协商。该局辖下的一般职系处,负责管理30800名行政、文书和秘书职系人员。
- The secretarial staff welcome the proposed modification to the existing criteria for promotion and incremental credit as these reflect more appropriately their job requirements. 秘书人员欢迎修订现时晋升标准及递加增薪的建议,认为可更正确地反映她们的工作要求。
- It is also the focal point for consultation with the principal staff associations and its General Grades Office manages the 30 800 executive, clerical and secretarial staff. 公务员事务局经常与各主要职工会协商。 该局辖下的一般职系处,负责管理30800名行政、文书和秘书职系人员。
- The bureau is also the focal point for consultation with major staff associations and its General Grades Office manages the 28500 executive, clerical and secretarial staff. 公务员事务局经常与各个主要职工会协商。 该局辖下的一般职系处,负责管理28500名行政、文书和秘书职系人员。
- T: Usually eight to ten, including a health physician, three or four nurses; a health visitor, a home nurse, a practice nurse and a psychiatric nurse, a community midwife, a social worker and a secretarial staff. 老师:通常是8至10人,包括1位保健医生,3或4位护士,1位健康访视护士,1位家庭护士,1位实践护士和1位精神科护士,1位助产士,1位社会工作人员和1位秘书。
- On Political Quality of Secretarial Staff 试论秘书人员的政治素质
- a placement agency for secretarial staff 秘书介绍所.
- secretarial staff, duties, training, colleges 任秘书的工作人员﹑ 秘书工作﹑ 秘书培训﹑ 秘书专科学校.
- Some of the teachers and staff members board out. 有些住在学校的教职工在外搭伙。
- Talking about How to Do Well the Work of the Instructional Secretarial Staff 浅谈如何做好教学秘书工作
- I'd prefer something secretarial. 我希望某种有关秘书事务的工作。
- I regret having to make so many staff redundant. 我很遗憾不得不裁减这么多职员。
- She is taking a secretarial course. 她正在上文秘课程。
- An extraordinarily large order bucked up all the staff. 一份特大订单使全体员工欢欣鼓舞。
- He likes to lord it over the junior staff. 他喜欢对下级职员逞威风。
- Can you fix me up with a secretarial job? 你能不能给我安排一个秘书工作?