- Strictly enforce the ban on reactionary secret societies. 认真贯彻取缔会道门。
- Is that why his dabbling in the occult and secret societies has led to the recent charges of abuse? 他涉足隐性神秘的社会组织是导致他近来受侵犯指控的原因吗?
- Scientists can be bought, not just by governments, but also by sinister and secret societies. 科学家不仅能够被政府收买,也能够为邪恶秘密的社会所收买。
- So they went under ground, and they started fraternal societies, they set up secret societies that were really secret. 这些秘密社会和中国文化的其他方面一样,在文化传统的诸多方面,与政治有联系。
- In Ancient Greece, tattoos were used to identify fellow members of secret societies and the Romans used tattoos to mark criminals. 在古希腊,纹身被用来辨认秘密社团的同组成员,而罗马人则用纹身来给犯人做记号。
- They stated themselves to be members of a secret society. 他们宣称自己是一个秘密社团中的成员。
- The Movement's failure is related to internal inharmony. quality of the secret societies and factions of govemers. all of these should be a noticeable historical lesson. 这次运动的失败与内部的不协调、会党的素质及地方大吏的派系有关,都是值得注意的历史教训。
- According to the characteristic of Anhui secret societies, ,the N4A took allsorts of measures to solve problem of Anhui secret societies, and got someachievement . 新四军各部队在淮北、皖中及皖南的抗日实践中,采取了各种措施(其中不乏创造性的方法)处理秘密社会问题,取得了一定的成绩;
- He was also a member of a secret society known as the Masons. 他同时也是一个叫做“共济会”的秘密团体的成员.
- Like those membranes which arise from certain inflammations and form in the human body, the network of secret societies began to spread all over the country. 正如某些炎症所引起、在人体内形成的那种薄膜那样,秘密组织的网已开始在全国四散蔓延。
- There is a wide area which requires infiltration: the masses,enemy-occupied cities,puppet troops and organizations,secret societies,underground gangs,bandits and all other organizations -- but most important of all is the puppet troops. 打入的对象是很广泛的,打入到敌占区群众中去,打入到敌占城市中去,打入到伪军伪组织中去,打入到黑团、帮会、土匪中去,打入到一切组织中去,而伪军应该是目前打入的主要对象。
- Many visitors nowadays admit the sensational tale of scheming priests, secret societies and pagan symbols was the main reason for their visit to Santa Maria delle Grazie church, on an otherwise quiet street in Italy's business capital. 现在,很多参观者承认,有关那些诡计多端的牧师耸人听闻的传说、秘密团体和异教徒的象征是他们参观圣玛丽亚·德·葛拉齐亚教堂的主要原因。该教堂位于意大利商业中心的一条街道上,(如果没有游客的频频打扰),这条小街本该非常安静。
- There is a wide area which requires infiltration: the masses, enemy-occupied cities, puppet troops and organizations, secret societies, underground gangs, bandits and all other organizations -- but most important of all is the puppet troops. 打入的对象是很广泛的,打入到敌占区群众中去,打入到敌占城市中去,打入到伪军伪组织中去,打入到黑团、帮会、土匪中去,打入到一切组织中去,而伪军应该是目前打入的主要对象。
- That secret societies or "Brotherhoods" of exceptional, "enlightened" human beings would have preserved these inventions and the knowledge of science, history, etc., does not seem surprising. 那个秘密会社或异常的“手足情谊”,“被启迪的”人类会保护这些发明和科学知识,历史记录等,似乎不令人惊讶。
- A Neapolitan secret society organized about1820, notorious for practicing violence and blackmail. 卡莫拉秘密组织1820年左右组建的一个那不勒斯人秘密组织,以实行暴力和敲诈而臭名昭著
- Hui-dao men”is the combination of “huimen”and “daomen”, which is one of thereligious and fetishistic secret societies born in the end of the feudal society. 会道门是会门和道门的合称,是中国封建社会后期产生的带有宗教和封建迷信色彩的民间秘密结社。
- A secret society that originated in Italy in the860' s. The Mafia now wide read, and is focused on power and profit. 兰
- A member of a Chinese-American secret society of paid assassins and blackmailers. 美国华人区黑社会党羽在美国的华人区黑邦社会秘密雇佣凶杀、绑架组织的成员
- An association or a secret society of Chinese in the United States, believed to be involved in organized crime. 帮会美国华人组织或秘密团体,被认为与集团犯罪有牵涉
- The priory of Sion, au European secret society founded in 1099,is a real organization.. 郇山隐修会是一个确实存在的组织,是一个成立于1099年的欧洲秘密社团。