- Secondhand smoke is a big health hazard. 吸二手烟对健康的危害很大。
- Secondhand smoke increases risk of dementia. 长期吸二手烟会增加痴呆症患病风险。
- The surgeon general says there is no safe level of secondhand smoke. 外科医生常说,有一种不安全的二手烟后边是。
- Secondhand smoke also causes breathing infections in young children. 二手烟也导致青少年呼吸系统感染。
- But after a number of studies reported on the dangers of secondhand smoke, things began to change. 然而,随着一系列的研究报告表明二次吸烟的危害性后,情况悄然改变。
- The surgeon general says there is no safe level of exposure to secondhand smoke. 外科主治医生说没有对揭漏的被动吸烟的安全级别定论。
- But even so, you might want to consider others when exposing them to your secondhand smoke. 不过即使如此,当别人会吸到你的二手烟时,你也得为他们考虑考虑了。
- Secondhand smoke has been proven, over and over again, to be a major trigger of asthma attacks. 二手烟一再被证实是引发哮喘的主要原因之一。
- One heart expert thinks this study proides further eidence of the dangers of secondhand smoke. 一位心脏专家认为这一研究提供了间接吸烟危险性的进一步证据。
- He thinks secondhand smoke causes at least half the cases of lung cancer in non-smokers. 他认为二手烟至少会导致二分之一的不吸烟者致癌。
- Over the long term, secondhand smoke also raises the risk of disease in nonsmokers. 长期的吸二手烟也会增加不吸烟者的疾病风险。
- It found a sharply increased risk of breast cancer in young women exposed to secondhand smoke. 研究表明,长期在吸烟的环境中生活会极度危害年轻女性的健康。
- Secondhand smoke refers to the smoke from the burning end of a cigarette and the smoke exhaled by smokers. 间接烟雾是指从燃烧的香烟头冒出的烟雾和从吸烟者嘴里呼出的烟雾。
- Secondhand smoke, known as a human carcinogen, contains more than 50 cancer-causing chemicals. 二手烟雾是已知的人类致癌原,包含超过50种致癌化学物质。
- Wheezing and coughing are also more common in children who breathe secondhand smoke. 呼吸间接烟雾的孩子当中气喘和咳嗽现象也更为普遍。
- Children and infants are especially vulnerable to the poisons in secondhand smoke. 儿童和婴儿特别容易遭受间接烟雾中有毒物质的危害。
- Passive inhalation ("secondhand smoke") is linked to lung cancer in nonsmokers. Other risk factors include exposure to radon or asbestos. 在不抽烟的人当中,被动吸烟的人也与肺癌发病有关。其它的致癌因素还包括曝露在氡和石绵的环境下。
- Secondhand smoke exposure causes acute lower respiratory infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia in infants and young children. 暴露于二手烟的环境之中,婴儿和年幼的儿童可能会发生急性下呼吸道感染,例如支气管炎,肺炎。
- Secondhand smoke exposure causes respiratory symptoms, including cough, phlegm, wheeze, and breathlessness, among school-aged children. 暴露于二手烟的环境之中,学龄儿童会出现呼吸系统症候群,包括咳嗽、痰、气喘和呼吸困难。
- The risks are so high that absent tobacco-industry lobbying and disinformation, secondhand smoke exposure would already be banned in all states. 吸烟的危害如此之大,应该在所有的州都禁止烟草行业游说政府部门和提供虚假信息,并禁止在公共场所吸烟以减少间接吸烟的危害。”